@doctor_mg: It makes sense but the Mario kart 64 prices you are mentioning are used copies sold by gamers to other gamers. it's not like the game can be bought new at a local retail store. I just feel at this point Nintendo should realize their prices for VC games (as fair as they may be) are a bit too high for current gamers. Especially when the competition has a sale every month it seems
@doctor_mg: Supply and demand? This version of Mario Kart 64 is digital...so the supply is endless... Nintendo also isn't in a position to charge these kind of prices... I love Nintendo but they need to get their act together if they want to sell more hardware and software
@doctor_mg: Honestly... it is worth 10 bucks for sure but Nintendo has a bad history of high prices and barely any sales... to put this in perspective I just bought Bloodborne on ps4 for less than 10 bucks...$7.99 to be exact...so yeah...plenty of gamers are going to view this as overpriced
@sellingthings: I also have my N64 and Mario Kart 64 still in working condition...but let's be honest here... a lot of people don't... for instance my niece and nephew love their Wii u and Mario games... so something like this appeals to them... not everything will be catered to us older gamers
I don't get the hate... maybe because I was paying for Xbox Live Gold for years without any free games at all... I did have PS Plus back in the day and yes the free games included a lot more triple AAA games but I always viewed the free games as a bonus... Any way... I am really looking forward to "This War of Mine"
I know this review is old...but this review is just plain disgusting... for anyone who might happen to stumble upon this review...give the game a chance yourself... look for other reviews...videos online etc... I had a ton of fun with this game... the Graphics...level design...multiple characters to choose from... the secrets make this a must own. Beating it 100% will feel so damn good... There should honestly be a second review for this game
@deviltaz35: I played it on Normal and thought the game was boring... maybe you can up the difficulty a bit...the more challenging that game is the better in my opinion... that is assuming you aren't already playing on a higher difficulty... it makes every encounter with enemies an intense one
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