@bigbox: Wow. 4K and 60 FPS? That would be amazing. God I can't wait for this game to come out. Day one purchase for me, and I've only done that twice in my life. I want to support the developers. They deserve support, because the last DOOM was my all time favorite game.
@deviltaz35: I played the remastered version on the PS3 a few years ago. Wasn't overly impressed. But it wasn't a horrible experience, either, but I can't for the life of me understand why so many people praise this game???
@fishnpeas1: Yeah, I also love Insomniac games. I don't think they've ever made a bad game? I really wish they would do another Resistance game. Resistance 3 was so much fun. Probably the best shooter on the PS3. At least I can't think of a better one at the moment?
I loved the the fact that in Resistance 3, you can carry all your guns at the same time. Wish all shooters were like that.
@gr4h4m833zy: I only play single player Call of Duty, and I've found all of them extremely boring. Seems a lot of people enjoy Call of Duty multiplayer. I'm assuming that's why you like Call of Duty better than Wolfenstein.
@jski: Yes, it is amazing. What difficulty did you play the game on? I've heard people say that the game is boring on medium difficulty. If the medium setting makes the game too easy, I can see why it would be a very forgettable experience for you; because story wise, there's really nothing there. But the actual gameplay is where Doom really shines.
There's no contest. DOOM wins hands down. I'll even say that the new DOOM is the best first-person-shooter of all time. Wolfenstein is just another boring shooter. Only slightly better than Call of Duty.
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