I was thinking about a recent post about top 5 games and I was thinking about the game Guardian Hereos. Do you any of you guys remembet that game? Was it as good as I think it was? Let me know!
Couple of things: The story was great it was a freaking choose your own adventure!
Live Action RPG that I actually got into. I don't have a great history of getting through RPGs (I dont even know f you guys consider this game an rpg)
I have to say as a person who only owns a wii and don't get a chance to play all those sweet looking xbox,playstation, and pcgames like Dead Space I can say I am stoked. Even if it is a light gun shooter and not like the original. ANd I have to say it looks fun, Iwill buy it!
I think Apple seems to make the most sense. However I hope not. I am an apple user but they are family friendly. You think nintendo is family friendly when apple released itunes store they didn't release albums with bad language. They refuse to release a South Park App for the iphone because its to offending. Apple is great at computers and mp3s and should stay that way. Dead god PLEASE!
In all honesty I find it really hard for a company in this day and age to just drop into the vgame market. This is a make or break busines (ie sega systems)
But lets not forget YAMAHA! They have numerous companies just like Sony did.
Hey guys! First, great post! I enjoy post when people don't stat fighting over personal opipions. I'm a wii person (i think that classifys me as a sort of gamer haha) so I have never played the oblivions, fallouts, metal gears etc... Anyway mine are
Okami- What am I missing in this game, to be honest i have only gotten into playing about 2 hours. Should I go back and give this one a try, someone who has played Okami let me know!
My final anwser however is Zelda since nintendo 64 and up: I try to get into the games and I just can't. I think its because I'm not big into exploring entire worlds.
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