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rookeealding Blog

Nora Tar's Karmai

Narrator: Well it took her a year but she finally got what she wanted.

Rookee; I see that girl fired you.

Narrator: "I'm sorry you feel that way" she said trying to hide a smirk. Jack ass.

Rookee: are you going to do anything about it?

Narrator: Do I ever? Nah... I'm going to write instead...

Rookee: That's worse. Much worse....

Narrator: I knew you would agree.... So I present to you a NarratorRant original!

Rookee: pass the popcorn.

Having just been eliminated in one of the longest rounds of the UltimateJob tournament, Nora tar was understandably upset and highly pissed. The judges had allowed her major competitor's (one miss Windy Azuma )highly erronious and doctored reports to be used in their final call on the tournament and of course found Nora to be at the wrong. eliminating her from the game. When called to congratulated the winner Nora confronted her about her lies, and voiced that she had been set up, but with a smirk Windy said "I'm sorry you feel that way." Windy smugly left the ring with her ill-gotten win. The tournament over. Nora had nothing to show for her hard work.

Now life had not been very kind to Nora before, Many a times she could not even enter stages because presets that were impossible for her, or discrimination of the worst sort, but It did not take long for the Mystical Rules of the world to grant her an ace or two. Nora had the Rare and Highly effective Power known as Karmai, The power to make you reap what you sow .

Karmai is a lot like the Idea of Karma in our own world, you know, you reap what you sow and all that jazz. Karmai however is the power to actually use karma to your own benefit. As you can probably guess this would be a very, very dangerous power in the wrong hands, and quite an inconvenient one in the right ones as well, So Nora had to keep this power a secret, because who knew what would become of her if anyone ever found out. That being said... she wasn't the least hesitant to use it on those whom deserved it.

silently in meditation, Nora thought about the slight against her. and as she did she repeated the magic oath that brought forth her powers. "plotting and planning, know you've done wrong, rejoice at your win, but of not for long, fast things unravel and none you may think. I gain my response I gain my revenge, but not a print of mine with determine the end."

And with that a eerie wind blew around her, she looked up and smiled, She didn't know what exactly was in store for Windy, She almost wished she could see the results herself, but it would not be wise to show up when the spell started, someone might put two and two together.

Rookee alding VS. Networks

" this is like a really sad game of mine apparently, the networks hold some of my favorite shows last episodes hostage, and I have to wait to find out if/when I will get to see them without failing into the trap of watching tripe. I need a hostage Negotiator here stat!"

Hostage negotiator: How may I be of assistance?

(Rookee alding: Seriously? you just had to make this a TNARA?

Narrator: It's not a TNARA, I'm not suppose to even be in this! Just talk to him Rook!

Rookee Alding: fine, whatever.) I have a job for you. I need you to negotiate a deal with the major networks so that My party can finally see the last works of their beloved Mr. Shows. I assure it will not be a easy deal.

Hostage Negotiator: (you know what F--k it, he is now the Negotiator from the Big O) I don't ever do easy deals.

Rookee Alding: Good, Here is the lowdown. Mr. Shows was a big back in the day, loved by everyone with few enemies, As time pasted though his networks got a little overzealous about the new kids, and forced him into "retirement". They did allow him a few last runs before his untimely "retirement" but they have refused to show them and or in a few cases give us the run around about doing so at all. I need you to get those last few runs, and finally give Mr. shows his rest.

Negotiator: ( you know, I don't know anything about Roger smith, Let's just go with negotiator, you paint the piture) That's a pretty big job, What are you paying?

Rookee Alding: Ratings, sir, a few ten hundred thousand for every run you can provide with out the use of Internet ports. quite a few less if you have to provide the content by Internet. As you know Ratings is quite a valuable currncey here.

Negotiator: and if I fail?

Rookee Alding: Word of advice: don't fail. My party can only take civil routes so long before they lose taste in it. They are Fickle but they can be faithful, if treated with respect. Those networks... they've forgotten, and now they do nothing but fight for ratings from us. If they only knew they could have us eating out of their hands if they just took the time to listen to us instead of jumping on the "new kids" so much. Maybe you can change that.

Negotiator: sister,If I could do that you would owe me more than just a few ten hundred thousand rateings.

Rookee alding: and we would gladly pay, but first things first Mr. Negotiator, you get me the last runs of Mr.shows. If you can do that then we'll talk about change.

ATHF Bomb scared....

If you ever needed proof that we as a nation are getting really really stupid you should check this out.;img;4

I commented. yes. I almost had to! the most disturbing thing about this is that these people who found these advertisements could not distiguise a box with lights on it from a bomb....and that scares me.

next week they will be charging you with terrorist actions if you pull out your cell phone...because it is an electronic device. and has wires. and a power supply.

or take this artical:

That picture looks nothing like a bomb to me. granted i've never seen a bomb before, but I'm almost positive they don't light up at night and give you the finger.

And what kind of bombs has that Grossman seen that look like that? honestly.

And why is boston the only one with this problem?

and this quote here

 “It’s clear the intent was to get attention by causing fear and unrest that there was a bomb in that location,” Assistant Attorney General John Grossman said at their arraignment."

BS. serioulsy BS. 

Ever hear of war of the worlds.....only this only the officals paniced.

TNARA: Group research project.

Narrator: I hate this group. No I mean it if the selfproclaimed leader doesn't stop jumping the gun and emailing the teacher, every time she precives a "problem", then I am going to email the teacher exactly what this "group" did.

Rookee: No, not another one of these....

Narrator: Yes another one of these. Here I 'll tell you exaclty what the group "did".  1. we meet together, the most of 3 times. 2. these meetings where a joke. All the selfproclaimed leader did was ask us how we where doing and tell us when where were meeting next, in another meeting she and the girl who missed the first group meeting seemed to be disgurntled at the pregnate woman who missed this meeting, and the way they talked about her, you would think she hadn't done any of her part of the work at all ( I met the pregnate girl the next day, she had tried to  email her stuff to the other memebers but the stuff wouldn't go though, and the doctors where going to try to induce labor a day before the project is due.She must had eventually got to them though, because she did say that if she couldn't get it though to them she would email it to me.) 3. The group was no help in the least to anyone. If anyone asked a question it was "go ask the teacher". 4. And she keeps telling the teacher that her group ( and I, I don't know about the others but I've gotten two emails from the teacher concering this) isn't doing anything.

Rookee: I figured I should interupt, you know just to keep this a TNARA.

Narrator: We got to grade our fellow memebers, I gave everyone a B. ( I beleive I am being far to generus because nothing that this "group" did could even be concediered a group.) If I get one more email from the teacher about this, that is not the normal reply, I will copy and paste that first part and email it to her. I'm tempted to do that now.

Rookee: then why arn't you?

Narrator: I'm hoping the teacher is smart enough to get all this herself due to all the replies I emailed her. 

Rookee: Do you honestly think that will work.

Narrator: I don't know, all I know is that I am soooo happy that this "group" project is the absolutely last thing that I will have to do for this class being that it is the "final exam".

Rookee: but the day this is due isn't until tue. and you've still got to present it.

Narrator: That should be good for a laugh, I asked what we where each going to present and they basically blew me off.

Rookee: your right that should be hilarious. Well, I wish you well.

Narrator: I hope it turns out. This month sure isn't starting out well, I just hopes it gets better before my birthday.    

TNARA: Research Papers.

Rookee: what's wrong?

Narrator: the teacher didn't even bother to grade my paper that I worked hard on because she precived too many gramatical and Spelling mistakes. ( I only found one spelling myself.)

Rookee: and your upset....again.

Narrator: why shouldn't I be? I worked hard, and just because no one around here accepts that you can be understood without grammar I can't make a good grade? No...strike that, It's not "good enough" for her to waste her time on? Are you kidding me?! If anyone wasted there time It would have been me! I didn't want to do the project, I don't think research projects from any student is worth crap anyway. I"M THE ONE WHO WASTED MY TIME!

Rookee: calm down.

Narrator: I worked forever trying to find out how to cite alone, alone...and even when I think I have it right, it's wrong....that is bunk! bunk! I wrote a whole blog on the uselessness of research papers...on my other blog!!!!! I hope one day I become a bestselling author only then will I be able to escape this stupidity.

Rookee: Grammar is so that everything can be formated the same way so that It can be understood by the masses.

Narrator: Bunk that too! Heck Rookee the Masses can read Blogs and emails and such with less grammar than that of the average three year old. So I don't by that either.

Rookee: Narrator....

Narrator: If we were to ignore every piece in the universe that had even one gramatical error or spelling mistake then we would indeed have very little to read.

Rookee: Your being a pain. Your not thinking logically. If the teacher accepted your paper she would have to accept even less acceptable work.

Narrator: She couldn't read Jasper Fforde or Caroll Lewis....

Rookee: your not listening are you?

Narrator: No....It...It just upsets me that's all...that my hard earned grades and hard work can be tossed aside just because it's not like others. It's not the same.That's why I would love to be published writer, they have editors and no body really cares if they have their sentance structure screwed up. Sometimes they do it on puorpuse. People don't read them because they are grammaticaly correct. they read them because the like them, because they are diffrent. Because they are not the same.

Rookee: great little speech and all but I doubt you will find to many teachers and colleges on your side there.

Narrator: And? I don't care if they are. The point is that they are missing some of the greatest minds out there because they can't accept a few grammatically diffrent people. It's a form of discrimination.

Rookee: Oh is it? I think your going too far with that.

Narrator: I might be...Ah  Rookee, what can I do about it? I can't even see where I am making the mistakes. Is it wrong to not want to do research papers because you have yet to do one right? The only A I've ever gotten on a paper was one that was nothing but my oppion on "self-reliance" .....that's right I got an A!

Rookee: Is that why you would rather someone ask your oppeion?

Narrator: yes. quite honeslty, yes. I never have to cite. I never have to be right. I just have to write. I like that much better.

Rookee: will you be ok Narrator?

Narrator: I don't know Rookee, I just don't know.

copy of post on Danny Phantom board.

Here lies Danny Phantom, once a good show, taken from this world far to early by the mindlessness of network executives that have lost touch with their audiance. It now joins this graveyard with the likes of Hey Arnold, Rocko's Modern life, Invader zim, The Angry beavers and other good shows. (each having many unsuccesful petinions and letters blanketing them as they where lowered into the graves.)  We will miss them and there inteligent and humourse nature and cry with them that the where not givein the respect that they truly deserived.

Weather you liked but one, or loved them all you now see that Danny Phantom is not the first to die this horrible death, and nor will it be the last. If Viacom continues this terrible cycle.

As I rest this poor show to rest, I ask everyone for a minute of silence....


And now the point.
We have to stop this from happening again. write Nick and tell them that you are displeased with their apparent lack of intrest on keeping a loyal fan base, in favor of an unpreditble fan base and push them to offer merchandise of past shows that you loved, ask for a catologe if they have one. Ask why you have never seen a Danny Phantom action figure or an Angrey Bevers DVD set. Ask them anything. Write them letters every day, every week if you have too. But not just about one show. Get mad about lack of "stuff" and cry about how you weren't able to get what little they did offer. 

Just write them, show them you are watching them, not just their projects. make them notice us as a fanbase.

TNARA: If you've seen me, your nuts.

Narrator: Rookee, do you know that one day I wish to meet either Jasper fforde, or the guy that writes the Arteims fowl books?

Rookee: "the guy that writes the Arteims fowl books." you can't spell his name can you? heck you spelled the books name wrong.

Narrator: good misdirection. but really listen, I just sit back and dream that I meet either one of them and then become a famous writer...

Rookee: With what? My stories? you already told me you would never even attempt to put my stories first to get published.

Narrator: no, I told you that I most likely would not put yours first and then try to get yours published.

Rookee: you haven't finished the new one yet...

Narrator: haven't touched it in months. I guess I ought to huh? espcially if I ever want to get to the mystery one.

Rookee: the cape case and the case capper? You haven't got a clue on how to start it.

Narrator: Do I ever?

Rookee: and this is why my stories are always so werid.

Narrator: you wouldn't have it anyother way.

Feminist exploits Steve irwins death.

Read this and tell me who's exploting what.

What a dark day for real feminist. Some woman riding the back of Steve Irwins death like that! I don't care what you may think about his documenteries but it hasn't been a week lady! you have no compasion. To me she's the one exploting. I've no problem with her expressing her opinon but she needs to show some respect for the dead, or at the very least his family.

where have all the good shows gone?

The new season is coming up, you know the time all the networks get new shows and renew old shows in hopes to win the ratings game.

If you've know me well, you know I love cartoons, but I have my own definistion on what is good and what is not. ( and I've resently lowered my standards based on the bad rumors I've been hearing)

So hears what I've been hearing.

1. No more xialion showdown( hopefuly a rumor): I don't care for the first part of the first season, and character delelopment could use work ( you have got to stop switching the good guys side in order to develop them. it get's old!) but I liked where they where going and would like to see more. but the new CW (the crock that that is!) is bent on a new style, and KidsWB has made very good decitions if you asked me, and they haven't changed their tune yet.

2. No more danny phantom: it's not canceled and it has 12 more episodes left....but....yea don't buy that! nick does this to all the good shows that can't be marketed into the ground. after those 12 episodes are done, you will see Danny Phantom over and over until you get sick of it, then they will quitely put the only showing in the morning and then cancel it. as they do all their shows.

3. There new cartoons, but they are boring, or worse, stupid:
Let's list the major networks shall we? ( while I'm at it I will rant)

WB: 1.What is Scooby and Shaggy doing? nano-bots...gee their original show had less drugs in it than this new prospect ( and exactly how many Scooby and Shaggy remakes that didn't invloe some sort of mystery solving actually worked? yea I didn't think so) 2.  that new superman teen titans knock-off, (which got canned too, if you remember) you want to bring back the Superman? bring back the animanted series! 3. here's what you want to do quit this re-hashing crap and get on the phone with Speilburg, and get him back. His cartoons where the best ( and they didn't drag down the viewers IQ. points every time they came on)

Nickolodien: 1. Quit canceling good shows just because you can't make some quick bucks. 2. Quit annoying the crap out of all your producers, and making them leave. 3. Quit it with Spongebob! 4. Kappy mikey only just missed my radar, it gets on my nice side because I just lowered my standards...but it won't last with the junky hours you gave it. 5.Mr. Meaty....less than one season. tops.. shouldn't get more than one freaking episode. this is what we're spending our money on? If this is the "first kids network" I feel sorry for our kids. 6. live action shows...this did not make you but it will break you. 7. how about you just trash anything you have right now and redesine the whole damn netowrk? becauses it's not working.

Disney: 1: You use to be good at producing and keeping cartoons alive as far as i'm concern your hay-day was "Disney Afternoon" Back when you didn't make your cartoons after movies and did a great job on animation and writing. 2. What happened to jake long? why did you change the art work? I didn't watch it much before but now I definatly won't, it proboly won't get another season, I'm glad you renewed kim possible but  I've heard rummors and it sounds like your trying too hard to ruin it. 3. NO MORE CROSSOVERS EPISODES, especially if your going to cancel all of the shows once you do it! what the heck is your problem? it just screams HACK! the least you can do is make them movies....

Cartoon network: 1.Squirrel boy is not funny, it trys to hard, and you should have taken the money from it to actually buy duckman. 2. Camp lazlo, scrap it and try to buy Rockos modern life from nick. 3. Work on your adult swim. It can be great you just need to quit trying to add live action to it and concentrate on keeping (you lost futurama!)and gaining cartoons that are funny to adults both the smart and the dumb ones. 4.while we're at it no more live action for you. Who framed Rodger rabbit is ok, but not dumb, dumb and dumbber. At least pretend that your an animation network. 5. Altogether you are doing ok, just renew your old series and drop these last few ones. And jetstream is a great idea! use it to test your new shows before you insult your audiance.

Fox: 1. stick with one cartoon block at a time. you keep changeing up so much I just don't watch you because I haven't a clue as to when anything is on. 2. some type of order would be nice, like showing your shows in order. 3. the gender devide needs to be closed, girls and boys can watch the same shows. Girls like action, and boys (won't admit it) like drama and deep plots.

ABC and other networks like this: get your own damn cartoons, and get me excited about saturday morings again!

and all of you! give me something to watch after school! make me memorize your shows theme songs!

as for now...I guess my old Animaniacs DVD's will surfice until the next tv season.

TNARA: Random (yes again.)

Narrator: I've been watching youtube, and playing neopets for soo long I forgot I even came to this site!

Rookee: no you haven't, you just haven't had anything "good" to say about the latest batch of animated goodness. and you've lost intrest in adult swims saterday line-up.

Narrator: Well, yea that too, but kim possible has a new season coming up, and lilo and stitch had a surprise leroy and stitch airing before the movie came to DVD.

Rookee: you were so happy about that you told everyone....Multiplue times..even those who did not care.

Narrator: also Animaniacs are coming to DVD, volume 1! preordered. the fourth bear (book) also preordered.

Rookee: that's the one with nuresrey ryme caracters being involed in detective noir type story. drugs lies and murder! great reading.

Narrator: and I thought I was promoting unashamily.

Rookee: couldn't think of the right word could you.

Narrator: shut up rookee.