Fortnite Season 7 - Week 10 Secret Banner Location Walkthrough
After you complete all of Week 10's challenges, a secret banner becomes available to cap off an eventful season. Here's where to find the last secret banner. Captured on PC.
After you complete all of Week 10's challenges, a secret banner becomes available to cap off an eventful season. Here's where to find the last secret banner. Captured on PC.
We got our hands on the Devil May Cry 5 preview and had fun playing through it's three main characters. Here's all of them in some wild action. Captured on ...
We got the best look of Marshmello's absolutely insane live concert that over 10 million users tuned in to watch and put together our favorite moments from start to finish. ...
Apex Legends is the new free-to-play battle royale game from Respawn Entertainment. Naturally there are dozens of new cosmetics and we dug through the Legend skins, weapon skins, banners, and ...
Apex Legends, the brand new free to play Battle Royale mode from Respawn pits you in squads of three with brand new skills and characters. Here's a gameplay clip of ...
Respawn's surprise release of a brand new battle royale is here. Apex Legends offers several different "Legends", and one of these is the Mirage. Here's what his gameplay looks like. ...
The tusks are a brand new faction that pose a tough challenge. Check out this end game mission in a wicked cool space center. Captured on Xbox One X.
Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled brings back everything you remember about the original game with added visual flair. It only makes sense that the golden days of split screen racing ...
We got the chance to race across three maps in Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled. Here is 8 minutes of gameplay captured on PS4.
The days of mashing a set of buttons on an SNES controller rears it's nostalgic face in Anthem where upon inputting a specific set of buttons, you can uncover a ...
Take some time to go check out Xur, our favorite enigmatic vendor of the Nine and see what rolls he has on his wares this week.
After you complete all of Week 9's challenges, a secret battle star becomes available. Here's where to find it.
In Destiny 2: Forsaken, a final quest mission takes you in pursuit of The Last Word, a notorious exotic handcannon. Here's a walkthrough of that mission as well as some ...
A free update has brought two new Fantastic Four themed Spider-Man suits! Swing through New York in the Future Foundation and Bag-Man suits as we patrol the city and infiltrate ...
After completing Leon and Claire's campaigns, you'll unlock The 4th Survivor, the first of Resident Evil 2's most challenging bonus modes.
Xur is back! Check out his new rolls on old favorite exotic weapons and armor. Captured on PC.
We mob through stages flipping in matrix style slow motion, gunning down enemies and a boss along the way. Hong Kong Massacre is out now on PC.
The reveal of the ice king has changed the map but the challenges are here to stay! Once you complete all of this week's challenges a secret banner becomes available. ...
Dive in with us as we take to the skies in control of the Ranger, the versatile offensive jack-of-all-trades javelin suit. Anthem comes out on February 22, 2019. Captured on ...
Far Cry New Dawn brings more of what we love about playing Far Cry. Here's 10 minutes of us going out on expeditions in 4K. Captured on PS4 Pro.
We've wanted to see gameplay of so many of our favorite characters from the roster of Dead or Alive 6 and now we get our chance. Here's some action packed ...
Mortal Kombat 11 has some sweet looking introductions and victory animations as well as some sick kostumes. Here's all of them from the characters we've seen so far. What character ...
Trials Rising brings serious fun to it's tracks and certainly some challenges as well. Here's some quick runs captured on PS4! Trials Rising comes out in February 26, 2019.
During a busy Iron Banner week, Xur quietly returns with some new rolls on classic exotic weapons and armor. Here's what they look like. Captured on PC.
In Mortal Kombat 11, spines are broken and skulls are crushed. We've captured a deeper look into the gruesomely epic collection of the fatalities and fatal blows that we have ...
The Mortal Kombat 11 reveal event showcased two of the best online fighters in SonicFox and Rewind in a bloody matchup with Raiden and Sonya. Here's their bout with some ...
The formidable fighter and master of ice, Sub-Zero is back and ready for kombat! Here's a first look at some Sub-Zero gameplay. Mortal Kombat will be available April 23, 2019.
Scorpion and Baraka showcase some new moves and absolute brutal final blows.
A former DLC character makes her return in Mortal Kombat 11. Here's a bloody versus battle between Skarlet and Sonya with a wicked fatality.
Mortal Kombat 11 offers a new collector's edition. Here's what's inside the limited edition coming to Xbox One and PS4.
Mortal Kombat 11 brings numerous features that you can customize with a huge variety of skins. Here's what some of those features look like on Scorpion and Baraka!
You don't need the dark zone anymore to unleash some bullets on rogue agents. Division 2 introduces new types of PvP combat in game with varied maps. Here's 10 minutes ...
Nintendo continues to flex its muscles of fan favorite characters, and also welcomes some third party games in all of its confirmed 2019 exclusives for the Switch and 3DS. Some ...
In Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes' third level, Coffee And Doughnuts, you fight Brian Buster Jr. who's equipped with a mech suit. We take him down and earn an ...
Sony has enjoyed its share of exclusives and a few are already confirmed to release this year for the console. Here is a fun montage of all the console exclusive ...
Xbox One has a lot of games ready for the horizon and a few are already confirmed to release this year. Here's a fun montage of all the console exclusive ...
Let the cold conspiracy theories begin.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Legacy Of The First Blade DLC is back with it's second episode, Shadow Heritage. Continue the story of Darius and Nakatas and return back to Ubisoft's sprawling ...
A new online beta for Dead Or Alive 6 is now available to download and test out exclusive to Playstation Plus members! In this video we go through matches with ...
Another Friday is upon us and Xur, our enigmatic vendor of the Nine, has appeared with random rolls on old favorite exotic weapons and armor. Here's where to go, and ...
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