rottenjoe / Member

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rottenjoe Blog

I am Back!


Hey all GS members. I am greatly sorry that i was absent for such a long time. I been taking care of my dad, getting a job and busy turning 15. Yes i am 15. Many of you thought i was 21 or higher, and was in a ps company. Well that is my brother. Just thought i should get that out b4 any problems where incountered. He was using for a period of time and now he turned it over to me.

I am currently learning how to drive. I am learning how to drive a 2008 ford shelby mustang:

I am currently trying to get a decient job for my age, and trying to sqeese in some game time. Hope to be on GS more. Love ya all.


Finally 300!?

Today, july 31st, i finally get to see the movie 300, i never was able to see the movie when it came out on theatre cuz of my own business and family and such. but now i can watch it even tho it isnt family friendly i think they can handle it. But i still have to wait again, 3-5 days for it to ship to my house in itz nice little box. At least i wont have to lie about watching the movie anymore.

World in conflict Beta reactions!

If you dont know what this game is then you must try it out. Go here

and then sign up and get the beta key and download and what not.

What where ur reactions?

My reaction was astonishing, i thought this game would blow me away and i was completely right!!

Enemy territory quake wars Beta

For all of u gamers out there that tried it out, i got something to tell you all ... i tried it out too ...

i come to u saying that this game will be destined to become great and powerfull, only if they can fix the bugs and graphics in the beta in time. But i wish most of my friends on bf2142 will hop over to quake wars.

I just got one question i will ask of you: What do you think of the game?

I am a gamer!

I finished or almost finished these games so far.

metal gear solid 1 , metal gear solid 2 , metal gear solid 3

Full out 2

resident evil 2 , resident evil 3 , resident evil 4

tekkan 2 , tekkan 3 , tekkan 4

NFS: 2 , NFS:3 hotpursuit , NFS: hot pursuit 2 , NFS: underground , NFS: underground 2 , NFS: most wanted , NFS:carbon


halo 2


command and conquer 1 , command and conquer tiberium sun , command and conquer 3

war of the monsters

NBA street 2 , NBA street 3

Doom 3


titan quest

quake 2 , quake 3 , quake 4

AOE:1 , AOE:2 , AOE:3

company of heroes

these are all the games that i had finished so far.. most of them i loved.

I been playing sense i was 4.. and i never stoped.

but i am thinking on giving it all up or at least most of it up at the age of 18.

what do you think about this?


I am going to start some little surveys that i would like to have some repleys to.. im just going to see how the gaming world feels.....

This is a open ended survey that you can choose what you want..

Which TV Show do you like most?? Name one, anyshow that you like most.. 


I finally got my grades for my school..

after long forgetin about it and when i was told about it grief, and hatred. i finally got it










At least im going to my next Grade level right?

Vacation on June 5th

well finally.. i get to go somewhere other then a few miles from my house. im going to NEW mexico for about a month to visit my Sick grandfather.. so i may not be on that much in june so dont cry..  I will also go to see the atractions,parks,views etc.. i hope they have a bushe gardens there too.. so yea.. as this very moment. i will be over 2000 miles away from my home in 15 days 22 hours and 12 minutes

the new hotspot... needs help.

me and some friends are creating a forum... or at least making it better. so we need anyone that wants to join it.... dosnt matter if u know what CNC3 is. i promise that it will soon change and it will apeal to more than just the CNC players........


join the pplz. find l3luemage

and find rottenjoe

which is me

i am helping to make this website better.... 

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