rottenjoe / Member

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rottenjoe Blog

CNC3 love it.

hey, i just got this game about, 1 week ago, i been doin great except for the dozens of glitches, bugs and virus this game been dealing out at me. but after i got a new and better firewall, the dozens of patches that EA been just throwing at all of us gamers. the game is starting to feel like a average game.

i am of rank 14. my name in this game is rottenjoe




i am like the 1000th best player so far.

also if u have a EA game, like call of duty, unreal tornament, CNC3, bf2142 or just BF2, u should get gamespy comrade. with this it will soon add all of ur friends from all of ur EA or gamespy related games, to the gamespy comrade. which will allow u to chat with them. also it will tell u if that friend is in a certain game, or in a server in that certain game. it is fun. plus it makes a funny sound when u chat with someone.


finally, if u have CNC3 i have to tell u that u should go into my clan(i am not the leader)

go to

then click on the forums tab

then click on the members list tab

then find either rottenjoe

or fing l3lueMage

and personal message us.


Happy Easter!!!

Happy easter to all u gamers and such.... this is my HI to you. O yea Happy Good Friday Too, it is really good......


Easter sucks cuz i gotta go to some stupid Easter sh*t at a convention..... huh so boring. EGGS

OMG, Gamespot help!!!

How, Do you get those little pin thingys or badges or things that are under ur rank in the profile!!!


HOW, WHERE, WHY, is what i need to know about them 

I am bored.

I dont know what is happening but i think the world is getting more boring everyday, with thos dozens of laws being dished out, ppl runing out of Conversations, and games getting fu*ked up. Its getting boring around here :(


I been thinking about it lately and i am finally starting to get settled with my future. I want to be a Business owner, and a game develper, You can make lots of money from selling on ebay. IF u buy a lot of games, you can sell them all individualy, for more the price and cash. That i think i will sell movies and dvd's. Plus i will sell music. At the same time i will start my career which will be helping to create games, and maybe i would start something. I will use my money that i get from ebay to pay for my everyday expenses. some from my pay check. but i would use that money to pay for bills, a house, and a car. I already planned my future in advance.


I been trying my best in BF2142 but i can decide which is better voss l-ar or the baur. Voss dominates in close combat and average in long ranged combat , and the baur is average in close combate and owns in long ranged combat. When i get to the highest possiablee rank, brigadeer general. (im a captain gold). i will get bronze on all the badges, next silver, finnally gold, then I will get the pins filled up with a good amount of them. Then fillaly i Will get the medels which are the hardest ones to get. Then i will just make my way up the leader boards and try to become the SUPREME COMMANDER!!!!
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