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rouge-ninja14 Blog

MTFC #7 + Ichigo sig

#7 is

[spoiler] TwilightSoilder [/spoiler]

I mostly know him from off GS. He's a huge Super Smash Bros fan ( you might be able to guess that from his profile:P ). He's an officer in one of my unions. He's also the only person who has given me a brawl friend code:| (seriously guys gimme your FC's so I can pwn you later:twisted: :P )


Oh, and new sig


Made with Colmillios's tutorial

Unlocked everyone in Brawl

^ So here is a list of my top 10 characters




Most used outfit: Dark Link :twisted:




Most used outfit: Dark angel




Most used outfit: and black (no idea what to call it:P)




Most used outfit: White




Most used outfit: Fusion suit (blue)




Most used outfit: Dark Ninja




Most used outfit: Dark Warrior




Most used outfit: Elder




Most used outfit: Golden Knight #1



Most used outfit: Dark Wolf

MTFC #8 + joined gametrailers

#8 is

[spoiler] LordRevan1 [/spoiler]

He claims to be everyones favorite sith lord:P ( But he dosn't know my favorite sith are Darth Bane and Darth Caedus:lol: ) He is an Anime lover and even created "Anime Day" AKA Saturday. Like me he mostly watches anime with english dubbs. Hes also a huge SSB, KH, and Ratchet and Clank fan.


In unrelated news, I just joined , if you have an acount there look me up, my username is rouge-ninja14

.............. *throughs computer out window* + new avi and sig

.......:x Now I'm P!$$ED (again) I just tryed remaking the GMV (Game Music Video) [Amy Of Two with Linkin Parks "What I've Done"] Once again, it wouldn't freaking save:x :cry: anyone know any (free) non movie maker, video editing software?

On a side note, I will now hear What I've done repeting in my head for weeks :| oh well, at least I like that song:P


And, new avi and sig

Please rate and comment.


MTFC (my top friend countdown) #9 + I'm P!$$ED

First off, #9 on my top friend countdown is

[spoiler] Colmillios [/spoiler]

Many of you probobly know her already, seeing as she seems to be the most popular people that i know on this site (she got tagged 6 times in GS's "little" game of tag:shock: ) Anyway, she is one of the best GIMP designers I know, and makes some really good videos as well.


Yes I know that was short, but I'm too p!$$ed to type much, I just spent 2 hours on a GMV.....then it said error and wouldn't save:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:cry:

5 things you might not know about me

1. I unlocked Wolf in SSBB8)

2. I actually read the "about me" section:shock:

3. I usualy don't mind anime filler:shock:

4. I read the whole Harry Potter seris in just over a week

5. I just made my first GMV with movie maker:D (check my vids section)


And I still want wii and friend codes;)

Mine are

Wii: 2585 5522 0633 4932

Brawl: 4596 9375 1519


I'll tag

Primo295 Pierst179 zeforgotten DraggoonX12 TwilightSoilder

Wii and brawl friend codes

Post your wii and brawl friend codes please:D I won't be playing online for a while, but I will be sending you some pics and stages, and once my DL limit (I hate my internet providerT_T) goes down, prepare to be pwned8)

Wii: 2585 5522 0633 4932

Brawl: 4596 9375 1519

Oh, and I'm officily addicted to Brawl, so I won't be on much for awhile.

My top friend countdown: #10

#10 is

[spoiler] spyke412 [/spoiler]

I met spyke in the GIMP union. Since I started traking him he has commented on nearly all of my blogs, and became a charter for the designers united union. He recently won sig of the week in the GIMP union, and made his first blog. Spyke is someone everyone should have on there friends list:D;)


In unrelated news I was one of the winners of the best profile contest:D