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roxaslordXIII Blog

oh god no...please NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*sigh* well i guess it's time to blog lets see what i have been doing for the past month or so

i've been posting non-stop on square enix in a RP called a school life except it's like summer break or something it really is fun if you have a imagination :D emblem keeps disappearing i fund out its one of the "glitched emblems" :x :roll: :cry:

thats about it......................


well i remembered how all silent hill games (except the room) have a UFO ending so i checked shattered memories one and i consider it the best one EVEN BETTER THEN THE DOG ENDING! if you don't wantit spoiled don't click on the link and don't scroll down to see the explanation and script


(this was hard because i couldn't find anywhere where i could copy and paste the script so i had to listen to the outube video and type in everything it says i worked hard on typing it so here it is)red=phychirchirst blue=cheryl green=dog burgundy=james orange=alien

"This...this is it?"

"After all we've said, all we've discussed... you honestely believe... That your father was abducted by aliens?"

"It made more sense when you were talking about Cults and Demons!"

"This whole town... it's really a giant spaceship."

*james opens door*

"*sigh* James?"

"*sigh* wrong day agian?"

"see you tommorow James."

*james closes door*

"one of my couples therapy patients."

".... haven't seen his wife in awhile."

"where were we?"

*cheryl turns into dog and phychirist turns into alien*

"My mother was a @#$%&! (female dog)"

"Go on i'm listening"

*in background triforce on shelf idk why though*

*screen fades*

edited riku picture

well i tried making a edit of the best looking riku picture i showed but i couldnt no matter what i tried post it here so ill put either a link a album or both of it C:\Users\User\Pictures\rikuedited.jpgriku editi was able to put it in :D

my new union

well i made a new union like i mentioned in last blog post i couldn't send it to the only 4 people who ii knew for sure would accept it i dont want to leave my 3rd union just because the peopke i sent it TO DONT FEEL LIKE DAMN EVEN DECLINING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry: i actually tried with this union please don't make me have to start all oveer...please...:cry:oh yeah if you wanna check my hopefully soon to be union out heres the link:[awsomekhunion]

I r bored

well its friday and the buses aren't running so im at home i got so bored i decided to finally give up on witing fir at least one comment on my last blog post but because noone did for a week or so i gave up

so anyways i felt like getting some kh pictures now that i has them ill put them up here they are:

33cb3777.gif image by Touya_Ice_Angel

that last one i just found while i was looking for the other one which i can't find its funny because when i saw the website this last one was from it was from gamespot :P was a users so.... full ,all whatever credit to ravemaster_866

you may be wondering (probaly not :P) "why did you search for so many riku heartless pictures?" well the answer is that i have a SQUARE ENIX MEMBERS account and i joined a school life i made a background story blah blah blah and i said that th evil side of my charchter "looks like the riku clone vexen made and moves as fast as supersonic" idk why i mentioned the rest of the sentence)

oh yeah and i tried to make a union.....agian i tried to invite Andrew_Xavier, Slyfur, elitepikachu913, and sirracannal but andrew and slyfur can't cuz they both joined a union in last 30 days and elitepikachu and sirra can't because they are already in the max amount of unions (30) :cry: :cry: :cry: this is my third time when i try to make a union but the only ones i know would of joined can't because of either max amount of unions or they joined on in the last 30 days :cry:

messed up dreams of the week..or something

well i have had some messsed up dreams and i am gonna tell you the ones that were the most messed up over the week

friday:"after fightingall these heartless and nobodys...hehe...i seem to get all this white stuff..haha"said the jockey roxas version of me "*giggles* thats muscle"said group of girls ok first of all i would never get girls in not "hot" second of all WHITE STUFF is that suggesting sperm?!

saturday:"*eats pizza made of paper and craons*"which isv what my friend did "can i have some?"said me "youy know its....paper" "so?*eats*" "............0.0" .....what can i say i had pizza the night before but really pizzapAPER PIZZA?

oh yeah on monday my dream was that i was playing a full english translation of mother 3 at first i thought i was playing the illegal copy but then a camera zoomed out revealing i was playing it on the game boy advanced sp oh yeah and what was weird was i looked like the rival in pokemon diamond/pearl/platinum


im still waiting..........

well you know my month old blog post about ordering wind waker on gamespot well it STILL hasn't come yet i mean its been a whole month is that normal this is my first time ordering a game online so am i right or just impatient?

am i to active?!

im not sure if this is just for the orginazation XIII union but it always seems no one ever checks the messages i mean i write on every topic every day refreshing the page shorter then every now and then awaiting to see a green dot for a change like the AVGN awaits a **** game to reiview but it seems as if nobody ever CHECKS! i guess i am to active what do you guys think?