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roxy_rocks Blog

Another Napoleon XIV song...yay 4 Napoleon!

One, two, three! Here we go! Bedlam, bedlam! Ho, ho, ho! Ring ding ding, rum bum bum, riki tiki daba daba dum bum bum Knock, knock, knock! Come right in! You´re the people from the looney bin! Ring ding ding, rum bum bum, riki tiki daba daba dum bum bum How´d you guys get here so soon? Did you spot my toy balloon? Ring ding ding, rum bum bum, riki tiki daba daba dum bum bum Please don´t make the straps too snug. I´ve always been a fragile bug. Ring ding ding, rum bum bum, riki tiki daba daba dum bum bum Must we march? Can´t we ride? I´ve got my horse parked right outside. Ring ding ding, rum bum bum, riki tiki daba daba dum bum bum Glad to see that we´re on time But must you always speak in rhyme? Ring ding ding, rum bum bum, riki tiki daba daba dum bum bum Lock the door and hide the key, ´Cause if I get loose, you won´t catch me Ring ding ding, rum bum bum, riki tiki daba daba dum bum bum*starts panting*


i just realized all of my reviews are being negative about the thingies...maybe i should actually make sum positive ones...well i'll think about it ;) lol

They're coming to take me away ha haaa!

Remember when u ran away and I got on my knees and begged u not 2 go becuz I'd go BERZERK? Well u left me anyhow and the days got worse and worse and now u see I've gone completley out of my MIND. They're coming to take me away ha-haa! they're coming to take me away ho ho. hee hee ha haa to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're coming to take me away ha haa! I cooked your food i cleaned your house and this is how u pay me back 4 all my kind un-selfish loving deeds? HUH? Well u just wait they'll find u yet and when they do they'll put u in the ASPCA u mangy MUTT! And they're coming to take me away ha haa! they're coming to take me away ho ho. hee hee ha haa to the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes and they're coming to take me away ha haa! to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time and i'll b happy 2 see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're coming to take me away ha haa!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!


I like moose. They're really cool. They like, have antlers, that stick out the sides of their heads. You could probably hang stuff on their antlers. And then they'd maul you with a vengeance.