Sneak + Archery = Criticals. That's all there is to it. I use my bows extensively whether it's long-range or short. In fact i find myself forgetting to draw a H2H weapon sometimes cuz i get so used to the bow. On the higher difficulties it takes alot of arrows to bring down beasties even w/ the initial Critical but most of the enemies have fairly predictable fighting patterns. It does get old feathering some ogre to death sometimes after putting a ton of arrows into it, i admit.
rrhammer's forum posts
HEY! Back off my XX names, jack! I didn't want to end up with some lame random name and number just to avoid taken names. Pandalaser01193 or something.. At least i didn't sell out and make some trash-talk name or go the 420 route. Ugh..
The endless "my pew-pew shooter is better than your pew-pew shooter!!" debate. By this time next year there will be a different set of games being argued over and your precious shooters of today will just collect dust. Just enjoy the game you got with your allowance and move on already. Don't bash on KZ or BF or BL OPS or w/e the flavor of the month is just because mom wouldn't buy it for ya. If ya don't like the game, buy/rent/play a different one.
The other shooters have problems of their own if you check the forums. Hordes of people buy these games and many enjoy them (despite any problems they may have)...however many people also like Justin Bieber so millons of people CAN be wrong.
I'm still giggling at the guy who said on one forum, "I'm done playing BL OPS. Stupid campers. I'm gonna wait till 'insert game here' comes out and play that. There won't be any campers there." Uh-huh. Sure.
Halo Wars! Umm..wait. What was the question? :P
The fact of the matter is is that it doesn't suck. Millions of people wouldn't buy it if it sucked. There are things that people complain about, but people will find a way to complain about everything.
^This. Shooter-bashing is a time-honored tradition.
I can get the gist just by the forum posts. First off, i have trouble taking seriously anyone who calls himself a pre-teen cliche like 'the beast'. I also can't take seriously anyone who can't pick a name. I've never heard of him either way.
Dedicated servers are the way to go for any decent shooter, esp whensome evilmoney-making companies have the cash but are just being cheap (*cough* Activision *cough*). However i'm wondering if in the end some of these guys would be better off having non-dedicated servers and lag since it gives them something to blame when they miss or get killed or are just having an off-nite. But don't let anyone fool you. No matter the matter if the connection bars are maxed out and lag is at 0%, to them it will ALWAYS be the game's fault.
I never picked it up. I skipped it. I suppose i'm a bit on the traditional side of RPG's. Maybe i enjoy my cliche's too much. I've played alot of FF over the years..and as soon as i read in a preview article that some guy had a chocobo chick living in his hair i slapped the 'Reject' button. Good to hear people are enjoying it tho. FF 9 was the last good game in the series i've played (probably because the whole thing seemed like a fantasy version of Star Wars characters. to me anyway). Have fun!
To be fair, i think alot of people would do the whole 'boycott, fire, and pitchforks' routine but in the end they would keep buying the games. It would just go back to the way things were during the older systems' time (just back to Xbox/PS2).
Alot of replay value would be lost i think..however there would also be a certain sigh of relief since you wouldn't have to force yourself (for gamescore types) to play while trying to get some outlandish achievement "kill the main boss w/o being hurt yourself on Brutal mode in under 30 seconds." Ugh.... Not to mention not having to worry about getting MP achievements if you prefer single player mode but still like to get 100% achievements (like Two Worlds 2) or if the game is outdated and noone plays the MP anymore. Just my thoughts.
The entire system would collapse.
You young whippersnappers and your precious achievements n trophies! Back in MY day the only achievements we had were putting our initials in an arcade game. And if some young punk showed up to try to beat your score ya broke his arms! :evil:
irony much? explain to me the difference between the achievement of getting a highscore and the achievements we have now...the only difference is, you dont break someones arm if they have the same achievement as you
It was the only achievement we had available. And the only way someone knew about it is if they got close to your score, beat your score, or during the random intervals where the game would spotlight high scores...or if you or someone else mentioned it to friends. High scores and 'flipping the game' were also used for measuring prowess in the early home games. Now you can compare/sync all kinds of achievements of course. And yes, some people defended their high scores fanatically. Idk if the whole ritual and custom is still there for the arcades we have today, such as placing a token on the arcade to show 'you got next' to play and/or challenge the current player.
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