One time I don't check my email for a few days, and all these things happen and I miss them all. Blitz... I heard that someone who gets invited to beta gets 2 spare invites. I would be really grateful if anyone would give me an invite :)
What version of the game do you have? Did you buy it from Steam or Retail? If you installed it from retail discs, check the game folder in Program files, try to locate the barbarian invasion exe.
I just gave my opinion here.. FM, as someone else said here, is about realism. FIFA, on the other hand, has the fun factor in it, like setting ticket price, hamburger prices, and thing like that. FM concentrates more on tactics, players, transfers, finances, things that really matters. I'm glad that OP is enjoying FIFA, but still I would recommend buying FM later on :)
Yep, the stream is having problems. Currently team vs ok.Nirvana.chinese team.. The internationals are winning, which is strange, it seemed to me that chinese were going to own everyone :p
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