If you use a pc/laptop to watch Peacock, don't waste your money getting the no ads tier. You can just have ad block and click dismiss when the app tells you to turn it off to get the full experience.
I tried watching this show when it was available on Netflix, the first season was great, even I figured out who the Ice Cream Truck killer was the first time I saw him.
I had seen him in a few other shows and they would have someone like him in an episode for like 2 mins, when you first meet him at the hospital.
I got about halfway through the second season and I gave up when literally nothing was happening storyline wise except for him feeling sorry for himself or whatever.
What they never mention regarding Avatar is that like 75% of the money it made was from it being in 3d. Say it was $5 a ticket normally, seeing it in 3d it was like $15-20 in comparison.
rswsc0407's comments