@ZIMdoom: If you have Google Chrome on your PC/Laptop all you need to do is download the Hola Extension add-on(you can get it from the Google store for free and it will allow you to change your VPN so it looks like you're in a different country than you actually are.
This will allow you to access every different countries Netflix with your account(you need to sign back in every time you change countries) and everything is still in English with whatever subtitles they normally have as well.
It allows me to finally watch both Stargate SG-1 and Battlestar Galactica since I never got around to watching them when they were originally on the USA version of Netflix.
I haven't bothered with London Life yet, I had decided to play through the first 3 again first. I'm not saying that the story isn't well written, it's just the revealing of everything wasn't as good I guess. Great, now I'm going to have to play Unwound Future cause I really liked the story and everything in that one, I just can't remember any of it. I was taking a break from playing it cause I played the first two back to back.
I did not know this either, I've still yet to really play 999. I'm going to have to get a 3DS sometime, mostly for the Professor Layton and Ace Attorney games. Please tell me I wasn't the only one that was disappointed in the story for The Last Specter?
I seriously don't understand why everyone's getting all worked up about Nuketown, the map is absolutely terrible, there's absolutely no strategy needed for that map at all. If the map was more than just 2 or 3 backyards, the main street area and the 3 or 4 bulidings you can go into if you want to try to snipe, I might like it a little better.
Also for the people who keep saying they lied about it being a pre-order bonus, you do realise that only the first batch of games shipped will have the code, pre-ordering it just guarenteed that you'd get it.
rswsc0407's comments