ryand2006's forum posts
Top eight reasons why anyone who makes a "top ten reasons why (Insert Console Here) sucks" sucks.
1. Anyone who makes one of these topics is a mindless fanboy, end of story.
2. All three consoles have something going for them, wii has novel control scheme, PS3 has raw power, 360 has substantial power and a number of devs who are farmiliar with the hardware and are pushing out AAA games.
3. It is WAY too early in the generation to judge a console. Even the Xbox 360 hasn't been out long enough for developers to fully take advantage of it's power.
4.All systems have some decent if not awesome games out/coming out for them. PS3 has R:FoM, Motorstorm, Lair, etc. Wii has the trifecta and Zelda among others, and 360 has Oblivion, Halo (it may be overhyped but it is still great), Dead rising, etc. I know i'm missing a lot for each console, but i don't feel like having a massive list.
5. "Buh buh teh Multiplat = suck! (Insert console here) is just stealing (insert console here)'s games!". No, any game that is good is good regardless of which console it is on. Stop whining and enjoy your games.
6. You are not changing anyone's mind with your stupid ten topic. No one's reasoning is strong enough to cause an epiphany in the mind of a hardened fanboy. Stop trying.
7. If any console sucked, how come they're all selling millions of units?
8. "Buh buh buh, teh Cell/Bluray/Xbox live/Halo/Innovative control/free online makes everything on (insert console here) obsolete!!!!!!!!". No. No single technology is amazing enough to void the technologies of another console.
Anyone who makes one of these topics phails. End of story. Discuss.
"Much More Better"=phail.
I wish people would stop ranting about a graphically superb update of a crappy game that came out a while back. It may or may not be better than the original, but wait until it's closer to shipping to start yelling about it.
WOW! The PS3 is putting out games that are prettier and have newer mechanics than games that came out two years ago! NO WAI!
looks average at best... killzone destroys this in every waybutterob
This guy=fail. Unless my sarcasam detector is broken.
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