I downloaded burnout paradise, which is like 700MB, and it took almost 2 hours. If I was too download 700MB on my PC, it'd take like 45 mins-1 hour. Anybody know why?
I'm buying a hard drive from my friend tomorrow. I only have a memory card. He has a few games already on it, castlevania, uno, and a few more. When I get this hard drive, will I be able to play them on my profile? Because im just going to delete his.
The gamestop i went to doesn't accept games unless they have the case and are not scratched but it wouldnt hurt too try. Also why are you selling your games? True gamers keep their games:PVilot_Hero
I agree. But this is really the only way I will be able to get Devil May Cry 4 anytime soon. I don't play it anymore. So..
I'm trying to get devil may cry 4 of course. And I need 10$ more. I'm willing to trade in graw 2, but..I have no case for it. Will this be accecptable?
Tried to recover my gamertag. After the failed attempt to do that. All memory on my hard drive. Gone. My Blue Dragon, half way through Call of Duty 4 on veteran, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Halo 3, Assassins Creed. All gone.
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