ryden14's forum posts
So is it? by monumental is it something as a gamer that i SHOULD experience?
For me monumental games are; ES:Oblivion, halo 2, bioshock, mass effect series, metal gear series, ocarina of time, gears of war 1, etc.
Opinions please
it's sad people ignore SP games and just go straight to MP and MP only, and equally as sad is people who don't appreciate how great some single player experiences are and moan and groan on developer forums about adding tacked on multiplayerlamprey263yea that is true, Bioshock 2 could be example. People complained of the 'tacked on' multiplayer when it wasnt at all. It was really flushed out
3 Hours daily? 4? 6? 10?! Buying every game you see because the game looks amazing but leaving them at the back of your shelf and continueing on with black ops? I don't know! Personally I play 3 - 4 hours a day. I want to buy every game I see, bulletstorm, crysis 2, homefront, pokemon white, MvC3, but I'm 14 so I just don't have the money. I own all next-gen consoles besides a high tech PC which I'm getting this year. I have pokemon and various other game posters in my room, about 5 editions of guiness world records gamers editions, tonnes of collectible game items..... I think I'm addicted :PDefy_The_Fallenread my last thread i created man do not get into this habbit
i meant final fatasy 13 not 14
So for a while I was pretty sure i was going to be competitively serious with either Halo or street fighter. Once school and work kicked in, i realized that this was just not possible, so i decided to go back to my gaming roots and started to play single player games....................... and actually beat them. This was honestly one of the best decisions i have made in my life recently lol Like i do not mean to sound dramatic again but man i feel like a kid again (im only 19 btw haha). So i beat Mass effect 1 and two, ff14, and am nearly through bayonetta and enslaved. These games have truly deepened my appreciation of gaming, and how much thought goes into it. I know understand how people enjoy sp games better than mp games. You feel more rewarded when beating sp games. So to any of yall that have been doing this, good job!!!! I shoulda been doing this for a while but glad im back on track.
A position in video game development where you just direct a games directions and come up with innovations for the game without actually programming? I just ask this because i think i have great ideas in for games but i plan on going to law school in a year and do not have the time to study programing. So basically is a game director a programmer?
Thank you for the responses in advance
for anyone with a slim are you able to connect the hdmi and the standard cables at one. or do i have to buy the official xbox hdmi cable to support my surround sound
ahh ok my friend was speaking gibberish to me and put some confusing stuff in my head. alright let the thread die now
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