@DiamondDM13 the leaderboards are hacked in most games, tlou included. the only think that really matters is max clan size, once you have the biggest you think you can get in the 12 weeks, youre no longer bound by any duty to the leaderboard (mines 206 btw and i am actually rather proud of that), aside from that the only other game for me where rank meant anything was tekken because you can always get demoted if u go on a losing streak or if some whippersnapper noob gets lucky.
@Axile11 hahaha that made me lol. so true. my entire crew have skull masks and green berets, we march in a wide line with smoke bombs and molotovs, its hilarious watching the enemy team flee in terror or choke and burn in smoky confusion.
@blueboxdoctor thats fine for you, but you're actually supposed to care. if you dont and just wade in guns blazing youre missing the point of the game and screwing your team-mates over. if thats the only way u can eke enjoyment out of a multiplayer experience, please, i urge you, go play COD.
@frozengrudge thats why i roll with a team of tight compadres. im actually scared to go in without guys i know because my clan is so high i cant afford to have one bad game.
@DarthLod ok mr grumpy-pants, we hear you, but there are plenty of games where the single player doesnt suffer because theres a multiplayer mode, don't be so severe.
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