@Coolgamer it took them this long to listen. they only reversed it when people said they werent going to buy that shit. if they could have gotten away with it, they would. dont forget that.
@C0v3rtUnis0l @USDevilDog if microsoft cared about consumer feedback, they would have listened months ago, when their consumers raised their concerns, not now, far too late, when people are jumping ship. no. it is MONEY at the root of this decision, nothing else.
@Pokemon18986 in other words: 'we want your $$$$. we heard you were gonna give that other company your $$$$. please don't, please give us your $$$$. thats a good sheep!' (don't worry mr mattrick, we'll hit em with twice as many doritos ads instead and sell their first-borns into slavery!) '
@kljohns2 exactly, if they listened to the feedback they would have done something months ago, now they realise people won't buy that crap, they shit themselves.
ryogapower's comments