@smackdowner360 @BryanParksSuper the reason they made a loss on each console sold is because they crammed full of good stuff like a blu-ray player etc.. so while sony pulls out all the stops to give gamers the best (at great cost to themselves) microsoft rushes out a badly built POS console, forces you to pay just to play online, rests on their laurels and says 'we got this!' because of their head start on the ps3, then proceed to lose grip on that lead and not pump any money made from xbox live into better exclusives or R+D for better peripherals that gamers actually WANT (Kinect?!? are you serious?!? Smartglass??? WTF!!!).
Now as to your comment about ps4 being sonys last console.. WAKE UP. If its anyones last console its microsoft's if the always online rumours are true, if the mandatory kinect rumours are true, if the lack of a disk drive rumours are true, as i've heard many,many xbox users say already that they are jumping ship next gen to Sony, then this next gen is already won, and the victor is not micro$oft.
@experience_fade reveal your sources because i call bullshit on this. if thats so how come we are still told regularly that ps2 still ships 100K units a month. LIES LIES LIES. look at this list http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_game_consoles
@Dante-xero exactly. credit to sony for being the only console in history to successfully beat the whole piracy thing. (yes, it was jailbroken, but its no simple task and comes at the expense of online gaming). they found a way to make piracy a bad idea for the consumer WITHOUT an always on connection, if microsoft has no other ideas to achieve this without forcing always on down our throats then they are just plain BAD at making hardware.
to be fair hes only quoted as saying'some gamers are ready'. not 'all' gamers are ready. but this is good evidence that the rumour is true, when a developer weighs in to defend the debacle.
@boomer0901 @snova9308 okay. but you have to bear in mind youre going to start playing a game that last felt fresh circa nov 2011. a very BIG game. ive played 600 hours myself. im glad i paid the extra, i couldnt imagine starting it now.
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