@Morphine_OD be careful who you call 'non-gamers'. this wasn't voted for by 'non-gamers', the game wasn't reviewed by 'non-gamers', it wasn't made game of the year by 'non-gamers' and it wasn't bought by 'non-gamers' either as they were busy playing Fifa or Cod. Do you really think a game would get such amazingly unanimous praise and several GOTY awards if it had no merit to GAMERS?
@Spartan_418 @BladeStrike1234 there are challenges but in a different way. to get the meditation trophy you have to somehow convince an anonymous party to sit still with you for a minute. took me the longest time flapping about to get them to do that. if you want a true challenge i recommend you pick up dark souls, hardest game this generation (a game i platinum'd). this is just not that type of game, think about it, if a gamer that likes a challenge like me that has platinum'd dark souls can thoroughly enjoy Journey... it must have done something right.
@King9999 well said King, i'm done trying to explain the merits of this short game to people who don't get it. quality is quality, no matter how much of it you have. Journey is a near perfect game in that it sets out to achieve something and does so in spades. Its just long enough.
stick to making crappy games Mr Tits Mcgee, consumers have right to be furious when they shell out for a game that doesn't work on release, i hope the industry learned a lot from the whole incident and stops trying to sell us games that just aren't ready yet.
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