7? This game is amazing in every way. its the only game that gives me a similar sense of satisfaction from overcoming the odds i get in Dark Souls. Anyone who says this game is simple and boring has no idea how wrong they are and how deep the rabbit hole goes on this one, theres lots to learn about this games system of rules and a real knack to knowing when to venture boldy forward and when to recoup and strategise. Theres an entire underground world and even a campaign mode hidden in there if you can find it, a game within a game (inception?) and it also pulls it off with style and great humour. a stonewall 9.0 from me.
@nickyparmar92 @leakingdogmilk ive got nothing against people reselling for profit, they are catering to demand, its a smart move. they took a gamble and now its paying off, just like any risk in life, don't be butthurt because you didn't have the courage or intelligence to do the same.
anyone looking forward to DS2 and has played the first one should check out the youtube channel of EpicNameBro, he has pieced together the lore of Dark Souls from the shreds of information in the game and is pretty compelling stuff for souls fans.
ryogapower's comments