@dashboardman @Cyberjin oh jeeez... the xbots will never learn... enjoy being a long term MS customer, they have all kinds of wonderful things in store for you, as their vision has not changed at all since going back on the policies they first put forward for this hunk o' junk. BYEEEEE!!!!
so all the grovelling to their customers was for nought. 'we listened to your feedback.... your feedback is important to us.... ' LIES! we'll appease and placate you for now and gradually implement our always-on crap because we have your 500 bucks already. WORST COMPANY EVER. **** YOU M$!
this guy is an absolute clown. they have not listened at all, if it wasnt for Titanfall they'd have nothing to crow about. 'one swallow does not a summer make'.
ryogapower's comments