Was I the only one who thought the first sigma pic totally whooped the first black pic?Vandalvideo
Nope :P
Was I the only one who thought the first sigma pic totally whooped the first black pic?Vandalvideo
Nope :P
[QUOTE="laughingman42"][QUOTE="pintabear49blue"][QUOTE="laughingman42"]While nintendo might seem to care more about its customers (which it actually might) you have to be joking about them not trying to make a profit or have high stock. They have ALWAYS raked in huge profits from everything they sell much more so than sony or MS actually MS is like 4 billion in the hole last time I heard and i think sony is in the hole as well (for their gaming sections)pintabear49blue
nintendos customer care service is like no other and they want to open up a new section of gamers. by the next three years non-gamers will be a minority
I've heard that but I've neevr actually had to deal with their costomer service because their products are so damn reliable (go nintendo). but I was talking about them making profits not costomer service.nintendo is the only company that really needs to make a profit. i had two wiis brake n me though. the first one kept frezzing all the time. the seconed would not read gc games or acces my wireless internet
LOLZ. Did it hurt?
[QUOTE="laughingman42"]While nintendo might seem to care more about its customers (which it actually might) you have to be joking about them not trying to make a profit or have high stock. They have ALWAYS raked in huge profits from everything they sell much more so than sony or MS actually MS is like 4 billion in the hole last time I heard and i think sony is in the hole as well (for their gaming sections)pintabear49blue
nintendos customer care service is like no other and they want to open up a new section of gamers. by the next three years non-gamers will be a minority
I gree wit you much so then people else in this topiX tbqh imo.
The Wii could also be good for the industry. It is bringing in new gamers and those people, in a few years, once the HD era starts to become cheap, could say to themselves that the Wii was great, but I also want to see what the 360 and PS3 have to offer, meaning they will go out and start to buy those systems in droves, sort of how they are buying the Wii now. Of course the 360 sales are starting to steady out some what, but that has more to do with the price than anything. No price drop in over a year a half on the market will do that to a console, otherwise you could say the 360 has had a hell of a run being that it is a $400+ dollar console. Once MS drops the price $100, its sales will pick up massively. The PS3 is really the only concern as far as the market goes. Its high price is hurting sales for the industry right now, but with major price drops 1 to 2 years from now, plus the fact devs will have learned more about the system, cutting time and costs on developing games, I doubt it will have problems selling like it is now. The 360 and PS3 will get the hardcore sales now and most likely get the casual to non-gamer sales in the near future. Right now the Wii is getting the casual/non-gamer sales right off the bad mainly because that is what they were aiming for right out the gates, unlike MS and Sony.eastside49er
IYO are you saying that the software on the Nintendo Wii are Non-games?
[QUOTE="ryuishero"]All we need are games like Deus Ex. If the casuals weren't given the option of crap vs. quality. All they would have to choose from is quality tbqh imo facts.VandalvideoCasuals buy games that interest them. What your proposing is that we strip the industry of choice by just relying on incrimental releases of innovative games. Do you honestly think something that absurd would HELP gaming? It would only prove to disenfranchise potential developers, and cause a very niche audience. Casuals aren't going to want to stick around for random games every blue moon. They like casual games. What you deem great they could care less. I must admit, I would like it if all we had were amazingly good games, but to limit casual games would be a fatal blow to the industry. Without movies like Fantastic 4, Spiderman, and other craptastic stuff the movie industry would die out. As much as I like my Trainspotting, I could never ask for something like that.
What we need is a Dictatorship ran gaming industry. If it works it works.
[QUOTE="ryuishero"]OMG NO! There is no convincing you. I feel that you're just being a Nintendrone, and would buy any BS released on the Nintendo Wii. This is sick tbqh imo. TIBNFTGIANIMO.God Bless you Sir!VandalvideoYou caved a lot quicker than I expected, and juding how you called me a Nintendrone I can tell you haven't been around here very long. (I honestly don't think anyone here would agree with that statement). As horrible as what i'm saying might sound, it doesn't matter how good a game is. It only matters how much it sells. Simple as that. Movies liek Requiem for a Dream are at the pinnacle of movie making. However, movies like that don't sell a lot. If only amazing movies came out that didn't appeal to anyone the industry would fester and DIE. Its as simple as that. If all we had was Deus Ex, the industry would proverbially die.
All we need are games like Deus Ex. If the casuals weren't given the option of crap vs. quality. All they would have to choose from is quality tbqh imo facts.
[QUOTE="ryuishero"]NO! What Nintendo is letting happen will, in turn, kill gaming. This is sick that you, and Nintendo would allow such to happen.VandalvideoHow is what they're doing killing in turn killing gaming exactly? Despite having relatively lower quality games, their games continue to sell a lot. An industry DOES NOT survive off of innovation, an industry survives off of one thing. Care to guess what that is? Money. Some of the greatest selling games of all time are crap like Bulletproof. The mainstream does not give a dang about petty ratings. The "greatest games of all time" don't really end up selling as well as you think. A crappy game that sells a lot does more for the industry than some random innovative game that just sells like crap.
OMG NO! There is no convincing you. I feel that you're just being a Nintendrone, and would buy any BS released on the Nintendo Wii. This is sick tbqh imo. TIBNFTGIANIMO.
God Bless you Sir!
[QUOTE="ryuishero"]No they wouldn't be causing a drought. They would be filtering out the crap, and keeping the market on track. Nobody wants to buy crap anyways.VandalvideoWhen you limit games you cause a drought in games. As for your other statement: Bulletproof. Thats all I have to say. In all seriousness, most gamers don't read review sites. There is the huge flaw in your assumption. The gaming industry only allows for truly "great games" after they've survived off of the profit of the casual mass. Without this constant stream of money truley innovative games would never even see the light of day. What you're proposing would, in turn, kill gaming.
NO! What Nintendo is letting happen will, in turn, kill gaming. This is sick that you, and Nintendo would allow such to happen.
[QUOTE="ryuishero"]No, it is Nintendos fault for allowing below average titles to be released on THEIR console. You can't curb the numbers with a few AAA games your studio can release in so little time. Nintendo also took the road of creating a console that is TOO cheap to develop for. This gives devs the option to be lazy for a quick buck. Why work hard when it's all too easy to get paid for doing next to nothing.VandalvideoSo you'd rather Nintendo LIMIT the games that are released on their system causing an even LARGER drought in games causing an even LARGER exodus of people from gaming? I find your logic extremely confusing.
No they wouldn't be causing a drought. They would be filtering out the crap, and keeping the market on track. Nobody wants to buy crap anyways.
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