I keep starting blogs and not finishing them, so let's see how this goes. I've been pretty busy over the past few months, but it hasn't really been a bad kind of busy, just always doing something. As far as gaming goes, I left off saying I started Resistance 2. I finished it, and though i know a lot of people didn't like it (especially the end) I thought it was a pretty good game. It left fonder memories than the first, but then again I wasn't playing a lot of shooters at the time. I haven't checked out the harder co-op play yet, but I should definitely get around to it at some point.
I've been playing Resistance Retribution since then, and I should really be finished with it, but I tend to take my time with handheld games. James Grayson has a much more dynamic personality than Nathan Hale and he doesn't mind mouthing off to anyone. I find his character to be much more interesting than Hale's was. Is it worth it for the PSP? I was a bit skeptical given the system's background for shooters (I haven't really played that many), but it's proved to be a worthy title. Auto-assist does not make the game too easy in my opinion and some parts are fairly difficult (mech driving, I'm looking at you).
I just started Bioshock over the weekend. I kept hearing buzz about Bioshock 2 and it really started to interest me. So far the game is fantastic. I haven't gotten too far in the game, but the whole atmosphere is great and the story is interesting.I'm saving the Little Sisters this time around, but if I decide to play it again, I'll probably choose to harvest.
I've also started to play more PSN games lately. Noby Noby Boy is a totally random game, but pretty fun if you want to play a game with no point. Linger in shadows came free to Qore subscribers and I decided to give it a whirl. This "game" (no it's not really a game) is interesting to say the least, but I'm glad I personally didn't pay for it. I did manage to get all the trophies in less than an hour, though. High Velocity Bowling is another PSN game I got for free with my Qore subscription and it's not bad, but definitely not worth the pricetag they have in the store, it is bowling after all. Unfortunately, all the trophies are obtained by playing online so I'll have to find a willing victim to participate before even attempting those.
Flower I purchased 2 months ago. I had every intention of playing it when I got it, but it soon got the back burner to other games. I played through it over the weekend and it's a really beautiful game. It is another PSN game that utilizes the motion controls and I thought they fit pretty well here. The game is very mellow in parts, but it's not all just pretty meadows and flower blooming, there are actual obstacles to overcome. It wasn't bad overall, just a bit too mellow for my taste. PAIN finally got the update I had hoped for when it was released. Honestly, I didn't play it that much when it came out, but since going online I've played it quite a few nights. I recommend getting the Smack pack as it does add some pretty fun gameplay. Be forewarned you probably won't be able to get online with just DSL, you need to have at least 256kbps upload speed.
Playstation Home has been going through some changes that almost make it worthwhile to hop on every once in a while. Xi, the new mysterious area in Home, offers several quests to complete which often requires you using your detective skills or.... Google to figure out passcodes to give you access to the next quest. New quests are added periodically so you are required to keep coming back. It stillhasn'tmade home the killer app that it was supposed to be (where's my movie with friends option?), but it's definitely a step in the right direction.
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