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What's the worst game eVeR?

My top pick would have to be:

EDIT: *I FLUBBED* I meant Mario's Time Machine... lol :)

I'm not sure how many of you were tragically subjected to this game, but I think it might have even given me nightmares... This is one of the worst games I have ever played, and quite possibly the worst Mario game ever created. Just thought I would share that with you.

Thank you for all of your recommendations, I downloaded the free demos of LocoRoco and Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror on my PSP. At first, when I started playing LocoRoco, I thought it was going to be a little childish, but that catchy tune and cute little blob were quite addicting :) As for Syphon Filter I haven't had a chance to play it yet.

GTA; Liberty City Stories update: okay, so really I could not drive for the first 10 minutes, but thankfully I am better now. :P I wasn't sure if I was going to like this game, but it's actually really fun. I'm at a whopping 2% complete now :D

I won't be on Friday afternoon thru Sunday afternoon, so I apologize for any blogs I may miss while away. It's camp time again, and we take some of the kids from the city to a rural place in North Carolina... fishing, boating, games, and crafts! It's a lot of fun! Plus, I get to continue my reign as Monopoly Queen! I'm pitiful taking advantage of children's poor planning skills, but I'm okay with that... It makes me feel good about myself (and that's all that matters, right?!?) :?

A little overboard :)

Okay, so I normally don't do this, but I went out and got a game for every system I own on Friday... lol

Metroid Prime: Hunters for DS - Metroid Prime: Hunters Nintendo DS - Metroid Prime: Hunters DS GameGod of War for PS2 - God of War Playstation 2 - God of War PS2 GameGrand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories for PSP - Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Sony PSP - Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories PSP GameSuper Paper Mario for WII - Super Paper Mario Wii - Super Paper Mario WII Game

and the great thing is... I only spent $35! It was awesome. Gamestop had a buy 2 get 1 free deal, and also trade 2 wii games get 1 free. I was really looking for a good wii game, but where are they??? I'm ready for something new.

So as you can see... I was going to get grand theft auto 3 or vice city, but ended up getting liberty city stories for the psp instead because I wanted a cool game for my new psp.


I am planning on whipping out katamari this week as I am practically finished with pokemon :) That's all folks!

Let's get the party started!!!

Okay, so I took my last exam yesterday!!! Now I have to whole summer to party, okay not really.

But, I did reward myself with getting a PSP. I ordered it today, hopefully it will be here next week for me to enjoy! I'm thinking of maybe getting Socom if that's any good, I'll probably ask the people at gamestop today. Because...

I called Gamestop today and they said even though they weren't advertising for it they were extending the "trade 2 wii games get 1 free" deal until tomorrow... I don't know if that's local or global, but call and ask if you are interested! I actually bought Open Season from Bestbuy for $10 just so I could do this deal and it was the last day of the promotion, so I was a little preturbed. But now I am excited!

I'm now level 10!!!

On a personal note... I was tutoring a girl in Logic this semester and she sent me $50 in gift cards including Starbucks :), Panera Bread, and Bonefish Grill!!! I was extremely surprised!

And tonight I am going to see SPIDERMAN 3!!! I'm not going until 10:10, so hopefully there won't be any brats in the theater.

Have a great weekend everyone!

GTA fans alert!

As I have commented on my previous blogs I will be getting out of school for the spring semester soon! Since Thursday is my last exam, I am gonna need some new games to play!!!

I have seriously been thinking about starting to play some of the GTA games... I've actually never played one before, so sue me! What I want to know is:

1. Which game should I start with? the originals and work my way up, or one of the more current releases?

2. Which platform should I purchase it for? PC or PS1/PS2?

3. Which one is your favorite in the series?

Any and all of your help is appreciated... My copy of katamari damacy came in the mail on Saturday, but I refuse to open it until I have beat Pokemon: Pearl, I am very close. I am trying to show some self-discipline here.

Have a great and eventful rest of the week!

This and That

I know a lot of people have been talking about Pokemon so I will try to keep this short. I picked up Pearl at Wal*Mart at 12 am on Sunday :) I've never done that before, but there was only 1 other guy there waiting so it was no problem. I just beat the 4th gym leader last night. I think the super contests are worthless, but I suppose it might be fun for online play (maybe).

Pokemon Pearl

If you want to play me that's fine, but don't complain that we're unequally matched if you didn't ask before hand. I don't mind changing my team for a more equal match (if I can). I think that's fair enough, don't you? name: s0njs0n FC: 1804 8648 9935

I also decided to get the Prima Guide to go with it, it's just okay. Some of the stuff is so out of order it is hard to follow. I don't use the guide as a walkthrough anyway, just if I want to know something extra like TMs and HMs and what the types of the pokemon are, but it took me forever to find some things in there, I'm not sure if the Nintendo guide is any better.

I ordered the Katamari Damacy on Amazon which should be here just in time for the end of my semester (which is next week!!!) I've heard a lot of good things about this game, so I feel I need to check it out. Hope everyone has a good week!

Katamari Damacy for PS2 - Katamari Damacy Playstation 2 - Katamari Damacy PS2 Game

What was wrong with the Goblet of Fire movie....

Someone asked me what were my real thoughts on the Harry Potter movies and since I couldn't write it in one response, I thought I would just blog about it. Also, I just decided that I would do one on the Goblet of Fire movie since that one in my opinion was the worst.

I am taking into consideration the fact that this movie could not be a 5 hour movie, because it would have to be really long to capture the entirety of the book. You will find how disturbed I was they shunned the house-elves from this movie as they were an important part. (Sorry if this is long)

1. I'm gonna forgive the fact that the Quiddich World Cup scene only took up 5 minutes of the movie considering it took up a significant portion of the first part of the book. :) My main problem with this part of the movie is that you see a man making the Dark Mark, though you don't know who it is. In the book Harry, Ron, and Hermione hear a man's voice but only find Winky, (the Ministry of Magic's house-elf) standing nearby holding a wand which conjured the Dark Mark. Crouch, Sr. then fires Winky.

2. In the book, at school Hermione forms a group called S.P.E.W. (Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare) and tries to convince people that house-elves were being oppressed and they should be set free (though Dobby is the only one who wants to be free), this organization nor were any house-elves ever mentioned in the movie.

3. "Moody" gives Harry the idea to fly on his broom, but he spends what seems like weeks trying to perfect the accio spell, and is helped by Hermione during this period. During the first task, the dragon does not come off of his chain (movie), but Harry's broom does catch fire (book). I am sure this was done for mere entertainment.

4. Before the second task "Moody" tells Dobby (who is not in the movie at all) about the gillyweed and he steals it from Snape's private store, as opposed to Neville telling him about it and getting it for him.

5. During the entire school year Hagrid taught them about various creatures, including the Blast-Ended Skrewt, none of this was mentioned in the movie, but would become very important in the 3rd task. During the 3rd task, in the movie, the maze had no significance except that you had to get through it fast and it could consume you. It was much harder in the book because the champions encountered all sorts of creatures and curses in the maze (boggarts, blast-ended skrewts, a strange fog, etc.) which were supposed to stump them along the way. "Moody" helped clear the way for Harry so it would be easier for him to get to the trophy (portkey). The last thing in the maze was a riddle and upon completing and defeating the last part, the champion could run in and grab the trophy and win. (which Cedric and Harry agreed to do at the same time)

6. In the movie, it was never revealed that Rita Skeeter was getting strange stories from Hogwarts and no one knew how At the end you are supposed to find out that Hermione discovers Rita is an unregistered animangus who can turn into a beetle and could hide and secretly get stories about people. In the end Hermione captured Rita in her transformed state and told her not to write any more stories for a year (which will be semi-important for the next book/movie (if written in)).

7. In the movie BARTY CROUCH, JR. NEVER SAYS HOW HE ESCAPED AZKABAN! Weren't some of you wondering? He gave his mom polyjuice potion and faked his death, then he could escape because he was already "dead". Plus after a trial a dementor was supposed to question him (I think about putting the Imperius curse on his dad), but gave him the kiss of death instead (to which Dumbledore was upset about).

Okay, well I know that there are more things different about the movies and books, but these are the major ones for me. This was long, who actually read this whole thing?

And for and entertaining video click here.

Things to know about each other...


1. What is your favorite old-school system?

2. What is your favorite video game character and/or who are you most like?

3. What would be a new feature the NEXT next-gen consoles should use?

4. If you could be any animal what animal would you be? (don't ask... it's just a random question I ask everyone, lol)

5. What is your most anticipated upcoming game?

 Also, a special thanks to :

katamari  - for suggesting the french press... I swear I'm gonna go get one now and keep it at work. lol.

Nonpareil - for teaching me how to be super cool... even though I already am.

LB80 - who is willing to go to the movies with me even though we live in different countries :)

NWA_31 - who shares my opinions about the differences in the harry potter books/movies. and also we aren't sure if they've actually opened the package to their wii yet or are still reading the manual, b/c they haven't blogged since... but I hope you are having a good time reading anyway. :)


I can't wait for...

...school to be over! This semester is dragging big time. But by now, all of you should know I am pretending to stop playing games and study for exams :)

Also, I am so ready for the new Harry Potter book to come out! J.K. Rowlings, I need to know what happens... tell me!

On the subject of Harry Potter... Order of the Phoenix is gonna be sweet, but sad I have to wait for the other 2 movies with no books in between (or so we think) How dare you do this to us?

Movies I am gonna see this summer: Disturbia, Spiderman 3, Pirates of the Carribbean: At World's End, Transformers, Shrek the Third (don't laugh), Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix... and a couple of others, those are the main ones. I have never been so excited about the theaters for the summer, bring it on!

Directions from Boston to Paris

This is too funny! Check it out on Google Maps... just type in "Boston, MA to Paris, France" in the box.

Check out direction #9 

So, I tried this out with more than these two cities and it isn't just as good. Hope you all enjoy

I'm back with a Vengeance!

So, it's been a while... I haven't really been playing many games for the past couple of months for the mere fact that I have been actively been going to school, but now I feel that I have enough time to play for at least a couple hours. So, I felt the need to buy a new game. Last week I bought Far Cry: Vengeance for the wii:

Far Cry: Vengance

It was less than perfect although enjoyable in it's own way. I believe that way would be easy due to the lack of AI in the enemies. The most unenjoyable parts are the glitches and the graphics. What's up with that? I expected so much more out of a next-gen game if you know what I mean. I am not much for the FPS games so this was a first, but on to bigger and better things...

I purchased Red Faction for the PS2 at GameStop because it was only $3.99 and I figured I could give it a try because it got such good reviews.

Red Faction - Used 

To my amazement I actually like this game! I mean it is 6 years old, but my favorites are... it's got a fairly decent storyline, it has 4 difficulty levels... oh and when you load from a savepoint you can actually see a snapshot of where you were. Plus, you can save in multiple locations in case the last one turned out that it trapped you. Ummm... I also LOVE the fact that when you leave a room and come back the same people are dead, they don't spring back to life. A feature that is not the same in all games. I think this is going to be one of my favorites.... we'll see.