Well this is all Ayer´s fault, guy scrapped the actual suicide squad script which was really good, it was about the suicide squad with almost all the squad wiping out trough the movie with only deadshot and boomerang making it out, and he decided to start from scratch with the new 52 version of the squad because "its rooster tested good", now his name will be on the floor once the first weekend passes, and all for being greedy by trying to cash in from selling the new script and directing the movie as well.
So sad i mean the quality of most of the animated side of WB/DC rocks and yet they cant land a single hit with their movies.
@Archangel3371: They are developing a flop called elder scroll legends, waste of ES IP. Am on the beta of legends, same devs that are developing eternal TCG.
Ugh.. the same guys that took more than a year delay to deliver wasteland 2 and still it was a incomplete mess of bugs and missing dialogs with subpar gameplay, it only ended up into a money grab for inxile. I pity the guys that kickstart this.
2 more years only means this guys wasted all the money already and need to secure new funding. Hopefully it wont have 3 to 4 talents that all serve same the purpose just so they can fill the UI with talents.
@Ripper_TV: They are not firing people since they were never hired in the first place, all these pieces are from freelancers, since this site is owned by a tv network its much cheaper to get freelancers and pay them per piece than having them on a contract while offering medical insurance, extra hours and all the benefits that comes working by a good contract.
Am glad he is out, maybe the guys at New Line saw the garbage pilot of preacher and said this guy is friend with seth rogen, get him outta here!!!
I hope they shelve the project instead of destroying it goyer writes action based flicks and sandman would work better as an animation film rather than live action.
s1taz4a3l's comments