@M3o5nster @s2i2p2i2o I never get that. Why is someone iinsecure just because they know something else is better? That like that stupid thing everyone says about bullies; they only do it because they are insecure. NO! Sometimes people are just assholes!
And how is the pc thing not a specific topic? The PC has got better specs, that is a pretty specific topic imo. . .
I don't think it's insecurity, more like frustration. No matter what one thinks about console one can't deny that they have affected pc games; and som thinks in a negative way. So all the comments about pc being better than consoles is probably a way to voice one's frustration. Maybe, I don't know...
@M3o5nster @CptJohnnyRico So does everyone. "PS3 is better because xbox live costs money!" You guys can't spring for $40 bucks a year for a good service?
"Xbox rocks! Multiplatform games look like crap on PS3 9 out of 10 times!" True, but unless you do a side by side comparisson you wont notice it while you play (besides Ghost Busters, Wtf went wrong with the ps3 version there?!)
"All consoles suck ass! My PC play games at 60+ fps, play games at actual 1080 resolution and use directx11!"
All these things have been heard time and time again. There is no good side or bad side, just douchebags from all camps. (Not saying that you are one, just to clarify.)
@TheWalkingGhost @MRFreeman12345 öööh, yeah the ps4 is rumored to block used titles. That was rumored waaay before they talked about the next xbox doing the sme thing.
@DTH17 @Imperiacommando So sick of that retarded comment, since it is not true! Yes, one might only be able to play the new games on the highest graphic settings, with AAx16 and all that shit for about a year or two, BUT then you just turn down the AA a bit and maybe have slightly less shadow quality and boom you are good to go for another 1-2 years and you are still miles (!) ahead of every console. . . A game on medium settings on pc looks as good as the consoles counterpart when the console reaches age 2-3, so plz just shut up.
@dlCHIEF58 @s2i2p2i2o @Gazdakka True, but it is still part of the series so. And finaly, someone else who says that piracy is a bigger problem on pc! Every other comment on the matter is how "it is just as normal on consoles", which is not true! :)
s2i2p2i2o's comments