If you pay with a cc once then you are allowing MS to renew your subscribsion for live automaticly when your live expires... It's all in the fine prints...
Can we please stop talking about this? This debate is getting very old and people just keep bringing it up and never getting a straight answer.
By the way, a 10 out of 10 does not mean perfect. It just means the game exceeded expectations and left a strong impression on you and managed to be very memorable. GTA IV did that for millions and then there are people who didn't like the game. Big deal, let it go already.
couldn't have said it better my self could have said it a little better my self but yours were ok :P
it's funny how ppl bash on him for beating the games fast, eventhough he never says IF THIS WAS THE FIRST TIME he played them. I have beaten splinter cell double agent in about 3 hours, but I sure as he-double hockeystick didn't do it the first time I played the game!
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