@SoreThumbsBill actually I only play on PC, so I couldn't care less. But Ps3 architecture is still bad and a major pain in the ass for ANY developer. Also the SDK from Sony is one of the worst the world has seen since Sega Saturn's SDK.
@WolfGrey @Deevoshun @BestJinjo @Serpentes420 Do you realize that Ps3 exclusives have engine builded around the terrible Ps3 architecture while multiplatform games have engines that have to be multiplatform? You're like asking Bethesda to re-encode everything on a different engine just because Ps3 has been made by idiots and the hardware can't deliver an average performance unless devs spend insane amounts of money and time on it? Wtf is wrong with you?
@Serpentes420 you're an idiot. The list of multiplatform games that perform better on X360 counts more than 100 games. You gotta be retarded or a fanboy to deny it.
Maybe they should ask for a decent SDK, since PS3 hardware was made by idiots thinking it was still 1995, at least they should give devs a shortcut to massively downgrade the game on this crappy console. Good luck trying to make this run at an acceptable frame rate with HALF the ram video than X360 version.
@chavo845 It got a 3 on Destructoid and was panned on Edge, Joystiq, G4 and Eurogamer. I won't go as far as saying it's a rotten POS but this game is a major disappointment and should deserve more than a 6 out of 10
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