s7aTyC's forum posts
Well the main difference is that most of the games, that are considered as s "platformers" is that the main character is a mascot(animal). And they don't have super bloody, heavy atacks, or combos, just one spin or kick or punch. And for me the platformers seems more unreal on the psysics... i mean when you Jump it's like more cartoony, and it's like flying..it's more fun. Like the prince of persia looks realistic, and ofcourse it has lots of combat in there.
My opinion is that the platformers are simplified action adventures, but there are also one hell of fun, despite that sometimes is difficult to discern what is a true platformer, or action/adventure.
Are you serious ? The PS2 is the FIRST game platform a gamer should think of buying it. I mean it's cheap and it has a TONS of great games...who cares it's last gen, when it has so many great titles..
Stupid question really...
Well god hand is actually one of my fav ps2 games..and i've played like hundred..
It's really a great Beat'em up and it's challenging but not frustrating to me. I cant fully understand why ign gave it 3.0...
unoriginal and uninspired...you have to be kidiin me...:lol: . Yea both games are great, but Hello ? Look at the reviews...almost everywhere the two gow games have higher score and they deserved it ! Altough DMC has a Really great combat system, but verry verry bad camera ;\, really i can ruin your game,while GoW is great at every aspect, but,yea it's a little on the button mashing side, but the whole game is HUGE !Definitely Devil May Cry.
I've never liked the God of War games, it's just too unoriginal and uninspired.
My advice is to pick both games, Devil May Cry1 and 3, and GOW 1 and 2. You will decide which is better !
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