saad77 / Member

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new leader

hey its cool to know that i am the new leader of the real madrid union as i am new so please co operate with me.

unions to make

hey unions are very hard to make because people just dont accept others innvitation and its the same with me i just need one member but nobody is there for my union to join.

just one more member

hey i sended a request to tee3 and loggens so you to please join my union because if any of you joined it my union will be formed so please.

made my union

hey guys i have made a union on cars so please join my union it will be formed when you all will join it my union will be cool so please join it please.

cars are cool

hey does anybody here likes cars because i love them a lot annd i need to find a union of cars.

playing motorstorm pacific rift

hey i am playing motorstorm pacific rift on my ps3 it is a cool game there are many cool vehicles in it and the tracks are also awesome it is a very good game.
