Anyone think 3d graphics/gaming is the next big thing? I was just thinking that back in the day, when i think ps2 was being released, people were cribbing that the game trailers look better than the actual gameplay footage and how sony wasnt being forthright about what their console could deliver. Now, with graphics being what they are, ingame footage can easily stand in for trailers. Where/what's the next big leap?I wonder if Wii counts as 3D gaming? hmh.
saadbd's forum posts
and it bans almost everything that made the old OT forum so frigging awesome. inane banter and juvenile behavior was one of the highlights of delving into the OT boards.
haha i wanted to set up a "would you do [hot female person]" thread and then saw thats out too.
[QUOTE="mlbslugger86"]I get modded for silly crap like that too. I think some people are a little too sensitive.some people do. i got moderated for saying that the guys in final fantasy look like girls
i think an FF fan reported me
i got modded for typing in 'fool' at the end of a sentence, something like 'come on, fool'. next thing i know, i have a pm telling me off for hurtful language. delicate arnt we all.
If you mess with us
We got crazy white people that will eat you.
Hispanics that will stab you.
and black people that will shoot you.
ahahaha that is so horridly bad. but i'd have put them as:
crazy white folks who'll bomb you and drive a tank through your house
hispanics who'll stab you and clean out your pockets while theyre at it
and black folks who'll do a driveby on you
[to any delicate pc people who get flustered at this, chill. stereotypes exist. pretending they dont wont make thm go away. Laughing about them and the prejudices that promote them is a tad bit better than actually believing in them]
[QUOTE="bizkit_limp"]Meh im muslim and its 90% fake and pants, with stupid ed holidays that makes no sense at alldont let religion put limits on ur life, im just a humanrimnet00
Sounds like you are a Munafiq, not a Muslim...
if you know its fake and all that, why call yourself muslim, fool?
Munāfiq (n., in Arabic: 5;6;ا1;2;, plural munāfiqūn) is an IslamicArabic term used to describe a religious hypocrite, who outwardly practices Islam, while inwardly concealing his disbelief (kufr), perhaps even unknowingly.
Um. The pope is supposed to be god's link with humanity, is he not? The Roman Catholic Church is the institute that deals directly with god, yes no? Did they not do these things in god's name? unless, they all worshipped a giant teacup, they were basing their actions on whatever they thought their religion told them to do, or what they had to do to safeguard that religion. The same damn thing is claimed by the maniacs running amok in the Middle East nowadays.
I am not a great scholar of the bible, but I have read many citations detailing how the bible denounces homosexuals and heathens and what not.
Note: I just found a very entertaining website about the bible. Go see! :D
Galileo was not the first one to come up with the heliocentric theory. Copernicus was also black listed by the church for saying the same damn thing. Galileo might have tried to ramrod his views down their throat, bad idea yes and all that. But when you know something is the truth and you have tangible evidence, is it not worth making your claim? But I do accept your claim, partly.
and I don't know why you bring up the flatness of the earth bit.
Note: instead of religious group, I should have stated religious institute. actually i dunno what i refer to, im off to make some teriyaki chicken.
[QUOTE="saadbd"]agh. yet another bunch of idiots engaged in religious debate. ever since i came to america, i realized that debating about religion with anyone over here is a waste of oxygen.
but, for the sake of the faith. sigh.
Opression by Christianity:
The inquistion (look it up); the suppression of any scienitifc discovery or theory that went against biblical writings/teachings (the discovery of the earth and everything else going around the sun rather than the other way round); the crusades (yes, our idiots also went to war, but our people, atleast to the best of my knowledge, were not sold rites of passage to heaven by the 'pope' for every 'heathen' killed)
every single religious group has commited some sort of opressive act or the other at one point in their past. the spotlight is now on islam and lo and behold, all other religions are held as babes.
Somebody needs to look up history.
The Inquisitions were not caused by Christianity (unless you have knowledge of a super-secret verse in the Bible that supports such acts?). Same for the Crusades (I will literally give up Christianity if you accomplish this feat).
Galileo's theory of Heliocentricism was accepted by the Church until Galileo began to try to re-write the Bible to fit his own interpretation, which is when he was tried for heresy.
Finally, atheism has had its moments as well.
what are you on, son?
if we can accept that wikipedia is a generally reliable source of historical fact and it generally will have the citations to back up the claims written, from there on:
"Inquisition (capitalised I) is broadly used in reference to the judgment of heresy by the Roman Catholic Church.
Before the twelfth century, the Catholic Church gradually suppressed heresy usually through a system of ecclesiastical , proscription and imprisonment."
Where in god's name did you find your theory of Galileo re-writing the bible? it goes into the nitty gritty of the church's view of his writings, and how it wanted it to be offered as purely hypothetical and so forth.
"Galileo was ordered to Rome to stand trial on suspicion of heresy in 1633, "for holding as true the false doctrine taught by some that the sun is the center of the world"
and where was atheism the major belief system or whatever? soviet russia. north korea. moments indeed.
ok, cheap shot sure. to me personally, atheism kinda makes sense. im torn between being the sort of muslim that most islamic fanatics would gladly blow up and not believing at all. but i still chose to stay on 'allah''s good side. or atleast try to. heh.
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