safwan_skates' forum posts
Are the Pokemon games REALLY that childish?AlCoCeR_AlVaRo
Nope, the Pokemon games are NOT childish at all. Only society view Pokemons themselves are being a kiddyish thing.
The Pokemon games on the other hand, offer a great RPG and to me, its for any age audiance.
THose are 10 very good reasons, but i'll just wait and see... Don't want to get my hopes up :?
But i'm all for a KH like game (the new series) as said in the ps2 article, and it'll def do GREAT on the Wii :)
Its the first pokemon game to feature Online battle. Tats a huge step, actually, its about time...
And the main reason i think is because Pokemon offers a solid RPG game which is very very addictive i mite add as well
Kirby has been missing in action for awhile.... Last i heard, there used to be a game that was supposed to come out for the GC, but got cancelled. Did it take a turn to be changed to a Wii game now?
Plus, what do you guys think a Kirby Wii game should be like?
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