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sakya23 Blog

Happy Mothers Day

Favorite Film: Grudge , Anywhere But Here,

Favorite Tv shows: Big Brother, Mole, TAR, RR/RW Challenge

Favorite Actor: ???

Favorite Actresses: Natalie Portman,Sarah Michelle Gellar

Favorite Bands: No Doubt, Coldplay,Nelly Furtado

Favorite Cereal: Healthy Smart, Froseted Flakes

Favorite Snack: rootbeer float

Favorite Candy Bar: Resses,Skittlles, Starburst

Favorite Acholic Drink: .... Smirnoff was pretty good

Favorite Drinks.... AJ,OJ,Water,tea

Big Brother 7

Here is my prediction of what would happen, alot of people seem to be doing it, so I though I would give it a try.

1. Will(BB2)











12. Diane(BB5)

13. Kaysar(BB6)


15. James(BB6)

16. Ivette(BB6)

The 1st four weeks will be a friggin season vs season. Thats my opinion. Season  6 will group up. Same with all the other 4 seasons. I'm like 75% sure a winner will be the 1st one gone. It all depends on who wins the 1st HoH. If BB6 wins HoH, they go after Will. If BB5 wins HoH they go after BB6. If BB4 wins HoH they go after BB6. If BB3 wins HoH, which they won'y,they will go after Will(marcellas dislikes will). I think BB3 and BB6 will combine forces and make BB thix???

here is what the final 12 will look like:









12. Diane(BB5)


15. James(BB6)

16. Ivette(BB6)

Yes I know some winners are out. I am betting that Season 6 will be dominant as long as they win HoH's. If they lose their ass is outta there.I see BB twix vs Bb4 and BB5 and nicole is like in the friggin middle. 3 weeks go on by...





12. Diane(BB5)

15. James(BB6)

16. Ivette(BB6)



Now the jury process begins and this is where backstabbin will happen.Danielle will throw HOH's and make deals with the opposite alliance for her and Jason(mainly her). 2 weeks go by...




12. Diane(BB5)


16. Ivette(BB6)



i see dani hangin out with nicole and diane making an alliance of three. 2 weeks go by...


12. Diane(BB5)


16. Ivette(BB6)



we have dani with everyone in the house. I bet Ivette will win HoH. she puts up nicole and danielle(since she is always honest). veto goes to diane she uses it on nicole, jason automically goes up and jason is outta there,

Final 4 is Diane,Nicole,Ivette, and Danielle

Danielle wins HoH for 1st time,puts up Ivette and Diane, Ivette wins veto, and Diane goes home.

Final 3 is Nicole,Ivette,and Daneille

Ivette wins Final HoH again. LOL and takes nicole to the end.

the jury is Danielle,Diane,Jason,Alison,Robert,Jennifer, and James

james votes for ivette

jennifer for ivette(if ivette didnt piss her off and if ivette stayed honest)

Robert for ivette

alsion for nicole

jason for nicole

danielle for nicole

and Diane for....Nicole

My bet is that Nicole from BB2 will win BB7.

Anways its like 96 degress right now. Good thing  I'm inside or  I would be sweating my ass off.

Check out BB7, it starts in July 7th

Ginsu Knife!!!

Level 15 woohooo!. I made like 100 submissions last night. I am editor of Rachel Plencer and Will Kirby. And almost Diane and Jun both from BB.

I love the new emblem. I can't wait till i'm "church lady" since I love SNL

No Churchy for me!!!

Today was pretty boring. I woke up at around 9:30(i saw snl last night). We went to chucky cheese to spend time with nephew and my older sister(mother of the kids). We were there about 1 hour.

Then we came back home and my father left to go to a friends house while me and my mother went to Traders Village(bazaar type thing but different).

We got at the place at like 1:00PM and we had hot links and funnel cakes. It started to get gloomy. My mother bought three  pairs of shoes. I didn;t buy anything. We left and came home get here at like 5pm.

My mother bought "legal" dvds.(hint hint). I told her not to but oh well.

We watched them and then that was it.

So basically an uneventful day in a eventful world.

How was your day?


What kind of music do you guys listen to? artists??

I personally like all genres of music except for gospel.

Cinco De Mayo 2006

Well since tommorow is 5th of May I might as well post this.

Happy Cinco De Mayo

I proably won't do anything special tommorow. My parents might go somewhere. They are more into Mexican stuff than myself.

When 4th of July comes around it will be vice versa,

I just found out what 5th of may stands for the other day,  I still don't really get it.

Does anyone have plans for the Summer?

SNL Comes on Satruday with Tom Hanks/ Red Hot Chili Peppers!!!!!!


Level 14 awesome!!

I also got that  top 1000 pt thingy. I became editor for Rachel from bb6.

I am on the verge of becoming editor of two more people.

Happy May!

Its the 1st day of the 5th month of 2006. Boy.. that went by fast, its hard to believe only  7 more months to go.

In the past 4 days, I've been busy submitting,editing, and posting. I've also went to church yesterday and my parents want to put me in cathecism (sp)?. It starts in Sept and ends in April. I don't wanna do it,b/c not only do I not like church but i don't see the point.

Going to chruch is supposed to make you a better person, I can just by a bible and read it and wouldn;t that be the same?? The way I see life is  eveything happens for a reason. Its as simple as that. I dont need to hear some preist shouting what he thinks is best. And another thing about the priest, I can't understand him sometimes and he always brings immigration up(I am catholic and go to a mainly hispanic church).

Church isn't a place to talk politics. or is it??? I told my parents I was Atheist just to piss them off. I shouldn't be forced into a religon if I don't want to do it, am i right? or wrong?

Well Hope you guys started the month off on a good note.

Regal Beagle!!!

Wooohoo I';m at level 13 and I like that little icon thingy.

I became editor of Ivette C. from BB6.

SNL TBO Funhouse comes on this saturday. I can't wait to see it.