sakya23 Blog
SNL Alec Baldwin/Shakira
by sakya23 on Comments
This episode was one of the best thus far,WU was really funny.Most of the sketches were very good even the Medicare commerical was funny.The MP were lip synced
Srrv wins.....AGAIN!!!
by sakya23 on Comments
Well He won and beat out poor ammnizy by a vote of 5-2.He did deserve it but It would have been better if craigg or ammnizy won.
Big Brother Finale
by sakya23 on Comments
Its been 1 and a half months and the game is close to an end. Who will win the shy but tough ammnizy or the outspoken ruthless Srrv15wnnr? Good Luck to both Finalists and may the best man win.
23 more days till Christmas
by sakya23 on Comments
It's been a while since my last blog post;i've been busy moving from Austin back to my hometown of Dallas.I officaly finsihed moving and unpacking today.
Nov 5.,2005
by sakya23 on Comments
SNL comes on tonight But i am going to miss it b/c of the stupid cable company. And my internet works sometimes.I can't wait till I move back to Dallas and then everything will be fixed and settled and hopefully no more moving around.
Happy Halloween
by sakya23 on Comments
I bit late but whatever.I just got back from Mexico. I am so tired and drained from being on the road all that time. And when I get back I find out that all of the HG from the BB2 game are mad at me.It isn't my fault things just didn't go like I wanted them to go.Well 3 more weeks till Turkey Day.
October 27,2005
by sakya23 on Comments
I just got back from Dallas earlier today.We celebrated my mother's Birthday. Halloween is in 4 days. My family is moving back to Dallas sometime in the next month. I am really looking forward to it.Big D is my hometown.Today was and is a windy and cold day.
October 24,2005
by sakya23 on Comments
Today was a chilly day it was like 55 degrees today.I am bored just waiting for HOH to be annouced. 4 more people need to answer.
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