As we near the release of god of war 3, many gamers like me have been crossing days off their calendar to soothe the pain, telling themselves that the wait is finally over. Having played the first two games pretty recently, i can surely say that those two games had the most amazing gameplay I have even encountered in not just the action/adventure genre rather any other genre as well(no offense to RPG's, the hold a sacred place in my heart too). But after all its just personal choice and taste that decides your favorite game/genre/gameplay style, and I am into action/adventure.
I have closely followed each and every article, blog, video, interview, preview that has been written or filmed about God of War 3, all that remains now to be added to my collection is the review giving out the final verdict(i hope its nothing short of perfect a 10!).
As i said i am a big fan of the first two games as well, and that too for various reasons. And from what I have seen, heard and read about the fianle in Kratos' triology, i can surely say that the game is going to be a mouth-watering and orgasmic mixture of awe-inspiring visuals and amazing gameplay.
Yes, this game gives you many reasons to hate it:
Being a PS3 exclusive, all 360 fanboys will naturally hate it(i loved Fable 2 by the way, still playing it).
Along with the awe-inspiring visuals and the amazing gameplay also comes naked boobs, chopped up bodies and tonnes of blood and gore(literally), so naturally the ESRB, australian censor board and worried parents hate it.
The list never ends. But i say, if you do hate the game so much why not just NOT buy the game instead of voicing your hatred against it, when Kratos has done you no harm. I can understand people saying that they wont be buying this game as they're not much into blood, gore, awesome visuals or gameplay. But blatantly claiming that this game will not make it to the top of the charts(some even said that it will suck royally) is something i will not accept! Let the fools out there buy this game and then learn for themselves what a waste of their hard earned money it was.
Millions of Kratos lovers out there in the world are waiting with empty pockets or just enough cash to buy this game and after having finished the game saying, "someone please cut my hands off or gouge my eyes out because i do not want to spoil the memory of the last game i shall ever play!"(ok, i agree that was a but too extreme but hey! Its Kratos we're talking about here and i think he endorses such actions! )
Finally i come to the topic i meant discuss all along when i started off writing:QTE's.
Love them or hate them, QTE's are here to stay. How can i say that? Well, i have two words for you:Heavy Rain. From what i have heard about the game, it is one long QTE(rather a LTE now that u see it. Long Time Event, geddit?). And it has Ben received with great critical acclaim as well as the love of the common gamer. The difference between normal QTE's and the QTE's in Heavy Rain being that there is no right sequence to the QTE's in Heavy Rain, whatever buttons you press, the game continues just the path you take is a little different.
Now i come back to God of War 3. From the footage I have seen of God of War 3, i think that they have made QTE's much easier than in the previous two games. Earlier during the QTE the button that needed to be pressed would appear dead center of the screen, and after playing the game for 6 hours straight you tend to get them wrong quiet a few times(14 times to be precise. Yes, bring on the noob jokes!).
What they have done now is that the button that is supposed to be pressed during the QTE, appears in the corresponding corner of the screen. So, if you are supposed to press square, it will show square on the left side of the screen rather than dead center. Triangle on top, Circle on the right and X on the bottom of the screen. Now, i think that is very helpful. They are trying to make the experience as smooth as possible(remember what Steve said about all the weapons being available on the direction buttons).
Hats off to the God of War 3 team.
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