These remasters are usually worthless like Skyrim for another 60$ and it still doesn't look as good as people made it look for PC a year or 2 after it came out. For years you could play dark souls on PC with good high resolution and framerate unlock mods. Remade games are when anything actually changes like the Shadows of the Colossus Remake, though they could have added in some Colossi for more reason to play again.
@spartanx169x: I guess there are different games for everyone. Both of your examples are things I like about TitanFall 2. No radar means you have to be aware of your surroundings. And as for needing someone to grab a shield and put it in your titan means you have to use teamwork. I understand it's hard to get teamwork in an online game but that doesn't mean games should stop being designed around it.
@spartanx169x: I only played the first after it was free with gold but I love everything about the second especially the speed. After playing it for a while every other game feels like I'm playing in slow motion.
I hope the people boycotting some of these games will just kill EA to stop them from buying and destroying every other company to create a monopoly on the market. It's pretty obvious Respawn Entertainment is their next target. They obviously wanted Titanfall 2 to fail with that release date because they didn't approve of them announcing all the future dlc would be free.
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