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Decisions, decisions...

You know what? Being a grown up? Sucks. Out loud.
I was out of a job for a year. A freakin' YEAR!!!!!! And today I got offered a good paying job as an administrator, which is not my line of work, as a temp job for 6 months, in a very good place. It's good money, the people seem nice, and they want an answer today.
I had an interview in a pharmacutical company (my line of work) for a job I REALLY want, that I can learn a lot from and would look great on my resume. And they gave me the call back - they want another interview. Tomorrow.
Now on the one hand - a sure thing, good money, for 6 months. It won't bump my resume, but will bump my bank account. On the other hand, a job I really REALLY want, what I studied my @$$ for, with the opportunity to learn a profession I like and get the experience I need. But it's not a sure thing.
I have to make a choice, and I have to do it now, and I just want to cry...
Can I have Dean hold my in the Impala and say it's gonna be okay?

Houses of the Holy

Nope, haven't seen it yet. :cry: But I have a really bad feeling about this episode.

I don't know why, but I have the feeling TETIK is SO gonna ruin my story with this episode... But the story is nearly finished. Only the epilogue left to be written, so I did NOT get any ideas from TETIK on this one, k?

I really love writing this story, I think it's my favorite yet - this one, and Seven Days, but this one has a really special place in my heart. I really enjoy writing it so far.

And now I'm on the edge of my seat till I figure out how 'Houses of the Holy' effect it. I really hope it doesn't ruin my big punchline... And no, just in case anyone's wondering, Dean's no angel in my story. Don't know if he is in the epi, just saying.

Yay, it's fixed

I'm back to level 9!

Good, didn't want to be a newbie all over again. There's nothing wrong with it - as long as you're actually a newbie, ya know? ;)

Say What?????

Ok, I'm confused. And more than a little irritated.

I was in level 7 (or 8, not sure, the one with the super friend icon) and now I open my account, and I'm level 1 again? What's with that? :x

This site is really starting to annoy.

Hunted and Playthings

Well, I already posted it everywhere, so what's another place? *shrugs*

Anyway, if you're like me, Hunted got under your skin and made you want to see Gordon smack Sam around some more. I just hated that he left Dean again, not only physically, but left him hanging.

And then Playthings came along, and although - way better episode - there Sam goes and drops that bomb on Dean...

So I ended up writing tags for both the episode.

The tag for Hunted can be found here:

And the tag for Playthings can be founf here:

Comments are love, really.

Oh, and just in case anyone's interested in fluff after these, then you might want to check this out:

Going back to school


Man, just the thought of it makes me want to bang my head against the wall...

But I've been sitting around on my @** for nearly a year, and I'm climbing the walls.

I love my profession - I really do. I never expected to like it so much - but now I'm stuck in this catch 22 - no one in my profession will hire me without previous experience, and I can't get any experience without getting a job first so... :cry:

Man, I'm actually thinking of starting another first degree - *shudders* - in Engineering this time, in hopes that I get the grades to get my Masters, hopefully NOT in Engineering but in Biochemistry.

Which means a whole lot of sitting on my @** again, and I just hate that. But, you know, if that gets me a job...

I really want to work in biochemistry, or organic chemistry, or biology and pharmacuticals... Don't wanna go to school again... :cry:

Being a grown up sucks out loud.

Oh, and I'm really mad at Sam. No, there's no connection, I just thought I'd throw it out there. And hey, have you noticed how hot JP's becoming? I mean, I'm a total Deangirl, obviously, but those last few eposodes? *drools* when I don't want to hit him for being Sam, that is...


Bless TV

God bless TV.

Seriously. My sister called me a couple of hours ago, saying her youngest is sick with fever and the sniffles, and asked me to babysit.

So I told her to bring the rugrat over so she could go to work. Someone might as well benifit from my joblessness. Only the runt is 2 years old. Yep. Exactly.

Sick, and still has more energy than I had in a few years... I'm getting old... *sniffle*

Anyway, I parked his tiny behind in front of the TV and... good times! Well, for him. I want to stick a fork in my eye and stuff cotton in my ears, but at least he's having a great time- you know, torturing classical music and plays *shudders*

But hey, SN is back!

I missed Dean and Dean's snark and Dean hotness and Dean emo and Dean.... *sigh*


So I got myslef an LJ account. Um... well, a while back actually, but, yeah.

Don't really post interesting stuff there, no meaningful 'meaning of life' things, but it is where many of my plot bunnies end up. At least the ones that I have no intention of writing and don't mind sharing.

There are bunnies and challanges, just like on my thread on the faNily site, only... more of em. Every bunny I think of and decide not to write myself.

You're welcome to take a look and/or comment, just please don't snag a bunny without telling me. I like to keep track ;)

Enjoy your day! :D