I want Zelda, Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy are big titles. Though I would like to see new stuff, like the Dark Souls games, RTS games for the tablet maybe and something like Shadow of the Colossus. Plenty of good companies now a days, making Melee battle games. Melee battle games are now top of my list, so I would like to see many of them.
Nintendo Switch, I am getting one. I haven't owned a Nintendo console ever sense the N64, and I admit i've missed it. I really want to see them, do games with greater depth and interesting new mechanics. CRPG, RTS and new Tactics game types on the go? Maybe Nintendo Switch, will accept other developers? We'll see in time, if they have the mobile system for us.
About the tech, I hope Valve picks up the Wii U idea. Makes a option to use a tablet, as an overlay screen, in game UI options display and MMO skill bar and menus display, or what ever you can imagine. Wii U was a cool idea, though I think it would be a better use, on other platforms. Such as SteamOS. Having that option for Indie and even big name companies, to develop for would be awesome.
Older graphics engine... This only makes me think, I have super high expectations. When I see graphic like this, the first things that come to mind are. 1. it's going to be a small game, like we used to play in the 80s and 90s. 2. the animations will be low quality as well, or to few animations to amuse. and 3. the mechanics will be super out dated. I could be wrong about all these things, so I am interested to hear their take on this game. I want to know, will it be big full of life? Will there be a ton of animations, to keep me amused for the duration of the game? and finally will you guys bring new mechanics, to an older graphics type? Please do sell me, I have an open mind about this kind of thing!
For Honor looks like a good game, that finally somebody did something, that may resemble skill based combat. Changing the "Skill Based" idea, will not be easy. Though I am definitely into it, looking for ways to add, contribute ideas to progress, the skill based idea. Looking forward to For Honor!
Also it's lame when, games start sell single-player campaign because, so many other games are just online multiplayer. I sure hope they make a video game single player with, sure you can multiplayer too. Learning curve aside, games should have single player modes, just because they are fun. If you're not confident it'll be ready or fun. Or don't have to resources, to make a single player mode I understand, that you don't want to sit ideally by. But maybe work on it, while you support your cause. I love to relax and play single player games, more than I like to relax and play multiplayer games. Then again there are always toxic player, that make the relax part almost impossible.
I would like to say, I didn't like this Overwatch game personally. Mainly because it's to simple, to raise the bar. I played Beta as Hanzo for a bunch of games, I tests all the characters alone. I realize these are simple to learn, easy to use heroes. Well done there! Though the fact I feel they wanted to make more characters, only to dilute each one, was kind of a let down. My impression was Hanzo was lame, he felt like half the character, he really should have been. In my head my solution is, Genji and Hanzo (Example) were one hero. Only Blizzard didn't want to give us, something that was a combination of the two. Then again I am a PC player, looking at this game from Steam Controller and Keyboard and Mouse. I have more buttons to push, with the both options I use. Making the characters I tried out, far to simple to justify buying the game.
lol This is a thing, I guess... Funny thing is I know all about the toxic, shit I even partake in it from time to time. The messed up thing is, I don't know why I partake. I guess it's because I want to play the game, though I don't have a competitive attitude. Sure i'm competitive enough, though I think people want friends to think their cool. So they have to pretend to be better, than the other guys on the team. Just stop and think about it, if you're toxic to your team, then why would they want to be your friend? I don't know about you but, I don't keep toxic friends off line. Why would I online? Is the game really that fun, that people are willing to play, with all the toxic players? Yup it is until it gets old again. Would be a better game though, if everybody didn't have to be a pro. Or act like an ass, to impress others they don't actually know. Thanks.
Want to impress, work a tablet Steam Machine, with a graphics amp for my living room. Steam Controller to slide on and off, the sides of the tablet. Do we have to ask somebody?
ILMAO so I got an email last night, telling about Killer Instinct for Windows. Today release day, I'm like ill buy it. Nothing not Steam, not Xbox app, not game stop, nothing. The new marketing strategy, is a complete failure!
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