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sanderuli Blog

Top 10 most wanted games.

10. Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars (PC)           

9. Halo 3 (360)           

8. Mario Party 8 (WII)

There isn't much info about Mario Party 8 yet, but I do know you can play with Hammer Bro's and with Blooper. And I have some movies of Mario Party 8, you can see them in this link.

7. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance(GC)

6. Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors

5. Super Mario Galaxy (WII)

4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (WII)

3. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (WII)

2. Final Fantasy XII (PS2)

1. Fire Emblem: The Goddess of Dawn (WII)

2 more reviews

I've added 2 more reviews today, Wii sports and Golden Sun, I hope you like them and I hope you'll recommend them.

I picked up Rayman

As you might have seen in my now playing list, I picked up Rayman for the Wii, I haven't played it yet so I'm still surprised how it will be, anyways I'm going to try it now, cya all!!

Rayman or Monkeyball? HELP ME!!

I'm going on vacantion in 6 days, but I want to get another game before I go. But I can't choose between Rayman

or Monkeyball.

Or getting both. I really don't know.

It's purpose is a family game, to play with 2 brothers and a girlfriend.

I would like to know what you think sooths* best to get for the holidays and to play with 4 man? HELP ME OUT!!!!!:D:D

Wii friend code

Hey everyone, I'm feeling quite good again. And we connected our Wii today so I want to share my Wii friend code with you:


I hope you will be adding me and giving your own friend code so I can add you.

Update on my status!!

I'm still home and quite ill atm, but tuesday when my birthday was my brothers had a surprise for me. They took me to the Lama's, that's a very popular show here in Holland. It's a bit like cabaret but then funnier, anyhow I'm off to play some Zelda again, cya lads.

My birthday!!

Today is my birthday, I turned 18 years old!!

The only problem is I'm sick at the moment, that's why I was quite inactive last few days :(, 3 days now so I'm going to celebrate it tomorrow if I'm better by then and I have to go out tonight aswell cause my brothers are taking me somewhere but it's still a surprise, I'll update you what kind of surprise it was when I return from it.

You might think 1 day and counting but no!!

YEES I came home today from school just now, my brother was upstairs, he was screaming when I entered the house, so I was screaming back, and yes they sold the Wii a day earlier then it's release date, I'm so happy, I thought this would be the hardest day of my life, counting down the hours and minutes. But no we've got the wii :D

Like mario would say "I got it"

I'm off to play now, cya all

2 days and counting!!

Or better said, 35 hours and 15 minutes, the real countdown is starting now.

35x3600 + 15x60 makes 126900 more seconds to go.

The best thing is that my brother has to work in the noon, so the wii is for mii. We are going to get it at 8:30 after that I'm going to school for a bit, and my lessons are done at 12 o'clock so after that on the bus and on my way to the wii.

Well I'm going to watch the I know what you did last summer trilogie now. So cya all tomorrow

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