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3 days and counting!!

Hey all!!

When I walked into my gameshop just now, I was stunned. I saw Call of Duty 3, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Red Steel and GT Pro pack or something all for the Wii, I was like wtf. So they started selling the games earlier then the console itself. I find it kind of strange.

But it's only 3 days left now, 3 single days. When I was at the gamestore today. My mom also bought some birthday presents for me, a ring which is a tradition in our family, when your turning 18 your getting a ring. And for the rest I don't know. I'm also receiving 500 euro to make a start getting my driver's licence. But the most important thing is that it is only 3 days left. Well the shipping comes thursday but they can't sell it before friday cause that will give them a big fine*.

3 days for the WII, 7 days for my birthday :D

4 days and counting!!

This is gonna be a very short one because I don't have much time to write an whole story. Because I have to go to the fysiotherapeut or however it's spelled in English, he's gonna make a test on me to see if I can play football again, cause I'm 3 months out already from little pains. Pain in my back and shoulders, and my knee.

So only 4 days left for the Wii, and 8 days left for my birthday.

5 days and counting!!

Only 5 more days left before the wii is making his entre in europe. After a hard night of work yesterday, I got more money to put aside for some more games.

And best my birthday is in 9 days, so gonna catch there alot of money as well. Start writing your birthday cards for me, cause it's close :D

6 days and counting!

Only 6 days left. Then I'm getting my Wii.

The last 2 months have been really stressy, counting down with my brother, playing old zelda games. In the morning when I get up I run into my brothers room, wake him up and say, by example, 10 days and counting. Now the Wii is comming so close I just can't wait for it. But only 6 days left I should make it.

When I'm getting my Wii, I'm gonna get Zelda; Twilight Princess aswell ofcourse. And I'm getting Wii play where a remote is included and buying a nunchuk controller with it.

That makes a total of 350 euros only. And then I'm getting much discount what makes it a total of 200 euros, so hooray for me :D!!

But now me and my brother only have to wait for 6 more days.

I don't know where I can buy this, but I'm certainly making a journey for it!! It's just so sweet.

Well this was my first countdown post, 5 to go.

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