[QUOTE="santanablu3"]since im a big fan of collecting games. im going to pick up most of the games mentioned. Techno 4, house of the dead OK and deadly creatures firefox59Do you just buy games to have them, like even if you may not like the game? any game that i buy i research about so most of my games are good. but i do have some game i didn't research about that are just......well. so to answer your question i do like to collect game but not just to have.
santanablu3's forum posts
[QUOTE="santanablu3"]since im a big fan of collecting games. im going to pick up most of the games mentioned. Techno 4, house of the dead OK and deadly creatures firefox59Do you just buy games to have them, like even if you may not like the game?
wow, i'm surprised most of you guys are not interested in those games. i thought they were highly anticipating games for the wii, but i guess i was wrong. oh well. im just hoping if some of these games wont sell well, developers wont turn their back on the wii and bring out mini games. yeahyeahbigNyeah it is pretty shocking. i guess most people here are looking for some more milked franchised.(Sonic and the secret brass knuckles,Mario party 90, and wave race boat addition)
I find what you said some what true but that's just looking at it in other peoples perspective. looking at what you said in my perspective is way different since I'm very patient.Nintendo caring about it's customers... yeah right. They couldn't sell the GC so they found a new market and said we will make core games every once in awhile. It has been 2 years into Wii with no star fox, f zero or wave race. That is unacceptable for a Nintendo system. Wave Race has always been a launch game. Star Fox and F-zero have always been relatively early in a systems life. Where is the Kirby adventure game and Pilotwings that was supposed to be made. Now there is talk about some 09 games not coming out other than in Japan. Nice job big N (claps)
I am not trying to bash the system but when is everyone going to get real. Everybody defends the wii to the Nth degree and it has to stop. True it is getting Sin and Punishment 2, Punch Out, Mad World and so on but still. It is about time.
Everyone always makes the argument of "it's the fastest selling system, but that doesn't mean anything when no one buys software. Wow Nintedno sold billions of the Wii something titles like Fit and Sports, but most games do not sell that great on the set. Nintendo changed their market demograph so the fastest selling system doesn't mean squat like it did with SNES and PS1 and 2. As for graphics, true some games go overboard on the other systems, but they also make games where graphics are more essential like Bioshock and Uncharted. If those games didn't look as good as they did, the atmosphere would not have been as good. Nintendo's games don't need graphics to help the atmosphere, although it would be nice to have seen Mario Galaxy and Kart and 256 bit or whatever we are at now. If F-zero Starfox or Waverace ever do come out, they would also benefit from it.
Nintendo did what they did to take the cheap way out and it worked. I like the Wii, but I don't like the way Nintendo handles it. I think it could be better than what it is while still having just as strong appeal to the casuals.
[QUOTE="santanablu3"][QUOTE="gamefan67"] You know a gametrailers preview mentioned a purple unicorn galloping in select stages:Ptommy--FNooooooooo!:cry: LOL You're upset about the purple unicorn? Dude, that's what's taken this game from "looks decent" to "I WANT IT NOW!" for me. Chasing that elusive unicorn, I can't wait! lol damn unicorns!!! i can't wait to this game comes out. I wonder if there is any cinematic videos in this game. cause so for it just looks straight forward like COD waw...
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