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sapphiremicx Blog

Like The Jeffersons...

I'm movin on up baby!!! :P

Something went wrong though :?... I think I skipped an entire level, what the hell happened to level 16??

I seen some ppl on that level, but I just skipped to 17 somehow... not that I'm gon complain :lol:

but does this mean it's gon be a long level since I skipped one??? :(

GS better not play me like that :evil:

well, like ranch... I gotta dip! :lol:

I See Some Changes...

As anyone here can see, I have just changed my profile banner!! :D

I'm still goin wit the Devil May Cry theme... this time with Dante and his twin brother, Vergil.

Shout out to Colmillios... who's finally back!!! :P...and hooked me up with the banner :).

Well, this blog sucked :P... but I just wanted to blog about this since I'm bored as hell :lol:

another time ppls :P...

Happy Birthday!!!...

To my older sister :P...

And to any of my union leaders who happen to see this, I won't be on GS for the most part tomorrow because...

well, it's my sister's B-Day and it's Independence day... so I'm gon be busy with that :D

Well. I'll probably be back on Thursday... see y'all then :).

*ding* *ding* Another Round

What's good wit everybody out there? Just another blog by yo boy sapphiremicx... and sadly this is another union advertisement (if i spelled that sh*t right :P). On the real though, if anyone happens to see this, do a me a HUGE favor and pass by the Tekken and Budokai Games Union... PLZ!!! We are fairly new, but we already have like 55 members and would like a few more. So if youse a fan of Dragon Ball Z or Tekken, drop by and check out the union, 'K?

The Ninja Temple...

This isnt really a fully fleshed-out blog or anything...

Just wanted to about this union I belong to... called the Ninja temple.

For any of yall who happen to see this, just scope us out right quick and I am sure you will like what you see :wink:

I would also apprecite it if you would join, or tell some other people if you don't like Ninjas...

check it out if you can, for me at least :P.

Finally Here!!!!

Yeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Spring Break is now in full effect baby!! I have ten days of absolutely no school. About damn time too, I have been waiting for this since Christmas Break.

GoW 2

Just this friday, I got my copy of God of War 2. So, if I am not around much, you know why. I'm fixin' to go and kill more mythical creatures now... (I will try and write a review for it as soon as I beat it)

Pure Luck

Oh man, this is something that has not happened to me since the 7th Grade. We just had two snow-days, in a row, and this is the school that doesn't even give us Martin Luther King Day off (even though the weather was bad and we still had that day off, they tried to play it off and pretend that they WANTED to have that day off). The best part is, I had set my alarm clock an hour late, so when I woke up it was 7:30 and I was suppposed to wake up at 6:30 since the bus is there at 7:10. While checking for school closings, I slowly realized that it was 8:00 and I panicked because I was sure that we would have school today, but we had today off. If we hadn't I would have been late to class for the first time since 6th grade. I would probably be in Econ. right now, and I hate that damn class.

On Fire

Many people have been critical and skeptical of the PS3. Most of the animosity came from its' price point ($600 is a bit much), but they have failed to realize how huge it will be as soon as the real games start coming out for it. Titles like MGS4, Tekken 6, and the Half-Life pack are among some of the best that are soon to be on the market. Even with its' huge price, the PS3 will beat the competition even with the much higher price than the Wii and 360. Look out microsoft, Sony is coming for you.

2/3 Done

I am now done  with 2/3 of my exams. It wasn't that bad, expect for physics and english. Government was possibly one of the easier exams i'll ever have to take, the answers jumped at me. I think that I may have failed physics, too many damn formulas to remember and use appropriately. Spanish and math are going to be easy, and then I'm done. (At least for six months). [Leave comments, por favor].
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