well this only proves what Ive been saying for the past year and a half... Sports titles need to be toned down on the PSP or handhelds in general. You don't need the dramatics of the pixels in the crowd, and such a grand scale of things. Make baseball, football, sports games in general to focus on the game and less about the surroundings. IMO if they tone the game down to focus on the game itself instead of cramming everything you'd find on a console into them it would enable quicker load times. Granted that's probably not the only problem but I bet it would help.
another thing... you get what you ask for. Gamers asked for all this stuff from Sony. I mean are people seriously that dumb as to think you can get ALL THIS for $300 still? You get what you ask for and be glad you're getting a Premium Machine out of either PS3 sku's. And like I said before. Most of you complaining are probably fanboys or gamers who don't even buy a console until years 3-6, as a majority of console sales don't even come until those years when the prices are dirt cheap...
nope, the only reason the 360 got FFXI was because MS aloud Square to run their own servers and charge... just like on PC or PS2 you still have to pay $12.95 a month for FFXI on the 360 and an additional $1 per character... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah... the consoles pricey any way look at it, but it's certainly well worth it. The $5oo package alone is well worth picking up instead of a 360 Premium. Add up everything you need for the Premium to make it equivelant to the $6oo PS3, and even then you still have $5o a year for online gaming. What a crock, if gaming is heading online then it should be free, most of us are already paying $30-60 month an ISP to game on and PC on... And the one thing you can count on is alot of excellent games for the Playstation with a Free Online Service to boot; at least I know Sony brings me ALOT of great games I love. Only thing you'll have to pay for are optional things like music downloads, map packs, and extra content wich are all things you still pay for with XBL if you want them... I've never been a fan of $6o games and I certainly don't buy this BS about developing going to cost that much more. Yes you're AAA titles like Metal Gear wich take years to develop and really dig into the system are going to cost alot to develop but your run of the mill games, the 90% released each year are not going to cost that much to develop. Matter of fact why are we even talking about raising the price of games? If a game is only $30-40 then people are going to have more expendable cash to burn on games. Personally I buy at least a couple games a month normally be it an older title or new title. Some months I buy ALOT of games. But when I'm forking out $40-50 for every game I buy then I normally end up buying a couple that month, where as when games are only $30-40 and there are a few Im buying I end up buying like 5 games a month, sometimes more.... SO why are they even looking to raise prices? Why not look to lower prices quicker and eliminate the stores like ebgames and gamestop from taking in used games weeks 1-52 for $20-25 or less and selling them for $5 less than they cost brand new. Create royalties or have them sign a contract saying they're not even aloud to take in a game on trade until it's 6-12 months old. While the consumer has no option to save $5 when the time comes in 3 months and the games offered for $10 less they'll be buying new and in essence sending the money to where it belongs, to the develop and publishers. Cheaper games, more sales, and no used games sales to be stealing new games sales from developers in the first 6-12 months... but yeah, alot of things could be better... but cheaper games should be a top priority. Get prices lower quicker, and put forth a marketing emphasis that shows gamers just how bad it is if they don't buy new games, a campaign to show them what happens when a develop sells half as many used games as new.... As for $6o, like I said Im not a fan but some games are certainly well worth it. MGS, Assassin's Creed are two that are easily worth $65 imho. But yeah, I think they should shoot for $5o on most games as most games are only worth that, if the time spent on the game and quality of the game match a $60 price tag then great, release it for $6o and drop the price in 3-5 months once it's sold 350-500k copies, or whatever... and I see alot of people are still making this harder than it is... you do not need extra controllers, 3 games and a bunch of other stuff... Even if you do game with others you may want to buy one controller, there's no need for more than 2... You're online out the box, no extra $50... As for oh they're making me buy Blu Ray... well 360 Premium, or $5oo PS3? An extra $1oo and you get bluetooth, free online, the cell, and blu ray. All those things cost alot of money, it's not just blu ray wich is costing us... and I think of it this way, blu ray is going to be great for gaming, matter of fact it is great for gaming, and having a blu ray player with my PS3 is simply an added bonus to where if I ever want to watch hd movies I have a player... Also, most gamers will find the $5oo PS3 adequate, matter of fact more than adequate for their gaming needs. And another little note to take notice of, consoles DO NOT make a majoriy of their sales until years 3-6 when prices have been slashed. So most you gamers who are complaining about the price probably are'nt even the gamers who are willing to pay $250-400 for a console, let alone pay $5oo. And come years down the road when prices are cheap it's going be wow, this is so cheap, I can't believe Sony is offering the PS3 for this cheap!! and you'll buy it. Or you'll buy a 360 and find out it has no games, so you'll sell it and buy a PS3 because it has ALL the GREAT GAMES worth buying, loving, playing, and keeping!!
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