@raugutcon: Okay that's of great help. N can the saves be smehow transferred out of PS3 so as to make space on the console? Like can i save them on my PC or smething like that?
Saurabh20892's forum posts
Can all the PS3 games be played without installing? If yes then wud a 12gb PS3 be enuf as the entire hdd is just reserved fot the saved files. N does this it is possible that all i have on my hdd are just the saved files and nothing else. Another thing, can the saves/ progress be transferred out and saved on PC smehow? Pls help!
I'm confused between PS3 and PSP E1004. What should i go for? Are games any fun on the psp's small screen and low def and graphics?
I want to know where is the progress (saved files) of the games stored? On the disc or the hdd of the console? If the ans is latter how much storage does a particular game's progress need?
I want to know where is the progress (saved files) of the games stored? On the disc or the hdd of the console? If the ans is latter how much storage does a particular game's progress need?
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