This, while MMORPG's are actually quitting the monthly subscription fee in order to maintain a viable income revenue through microtransactions.
"and that'll be great for the business"
Looks like EA thinks they can make some profit out of subscription fees. I doubt so. The sooner or the later, gamers will probably stop accepting unfinished games for which they need another 40$ to get the complete product, no matter through DLC or subscription. As if the actual retail price isn't enough.
If I had to pay monthly subscriptions for all the games I own, I would be bankrupt within a year.
I chose the destroy ending before the extended cut was released, but seeing that the other endings aren't as bad as they seemed at first, I feel kind of bad that I chose Destroy just to save my own ass. Especially in light of the indoctrination theory which seems less plausible now.
Although, what happens to Shepard after it seems he/she is still alive still isn't clear. I actually had anticipated some more content of that.
This new ending doesn't necessarily bust the indoctrination theory.
The child said that, when choosing Control, Shepherd would die, but his/her thoughts and memories would continue. Sheperd's speech might therefore not be related to reality, but an own vision of what he/she believed in. This can be a possibility, while she still is indoctrinated.
At the moment, these are the only few mods available. Not really weird, for the release date wasn't even a month ago. In two years the site will be full with, without doubt, far superior mods, I'd say. It's a bit too early to conclude which mods are the best.
sauron210's comments