Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about! Stranger: hi You: Hey there. Stranger: from? You: From? Stranger: taiwan You: Taiwan. Stranger: 很巧 Stranger: 你也是? You: 很巧 You: 你也是? Stranger: 那裡人? You: 那裡人? Stranger: 台北= = Stranger: 我猜你是女生 You: can you translate so I could understand what were both saying? You: 台北= = You: 我猜你是女生 Stranger: come on You: You come on. Your conversational partner has disconnected.
For those not in the know, Omegle is this ridiculous Internetal trinket hiding out in the abyss of cyberspace. It works off the same program as AIM, and sets you up with a randomized chat partner you can instant message with. It's fun, if not completely ridiculous most of the time. Due to the insanity of many of the people there, you're bound to have a completely ludicrous conversation. Copy and paste them here, so we can all gander and giggle.
Well, Valkyria Chronicles has lots of guns... but... err... PS3. Yeah, about that. Guns and RPGs don't really go well together. I unfortunately can think of nothing else. :/
I have all four. I think one of them is growing oddly... But I'm keeping these babies as long as I can manage. Eat your heart out dentists. With or without your wisdom teeth.
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