@Gelugon_baat You'd fail miserably since all you ever say is "look who's talking" and "you're rambling."
@Whitebloodsun @7h3_h4x3r You're a fan of Nightwish. And only Nightwish, dammit. I understand. Don't mess with Nightwish. What the hell is a Nightwish?
@Gelugon_baat Baat to the rescue. Yay! If there's anything that shouldn't be taken seriously it's a little weirdo with a girly avatar arguing with anyone who disagrees with anything ever written by Gamespot. There's something wrong with you. Seek help.
@Iridescent406 Reviews are opinions. We get to voice our own. If his opinion differs from mine, to me he is wrong. That's how we humans work.
sayoose's comments