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sbfullmer Blog

I felt I was back from the Dead......

Well, I was about to leave after I've done stuff from previous post....but I felt something that I can't just leave now. The reason why I wanted to leave because of School and things going on my life that I wish don't want to talk about, for right now it's summer, and usually get bored, and so I come here and do fun stuff. That's reason why I wasn't active during past many months. So, I'm going to make up to you and get active during summer, then once school starts again, then I'll try to be active as possible. So, hopefully, this'll be fun. ^_^ P.S. Also during Summer I work at Mcdonalds (if you knew it already), so some days I won't be on.

Almost Done..........

Hey, Everyone. It's been WAY outdated of my blog so. Lots of things has been going on. So all I need to do is make a movie and do roleplay from Destiny Island Union, and then I'm done. So, how's everyone? Also this'll be chat blog too.

Hey, Everyone, guess what?

I'm to be active for a while until I get these done: Roleplay for Sonic Hearts Union___ (Not complete, because it's not active) Finish Making a Movie, then uploaded here___ Get Final Review for My game Chrono Cross Done (Note: For my birthday presents my dad got me these games: Crash Bandicoot Collectors' Edition (Crash 3: Warped, CTR: Crash Team Racing, and Crash Bash) and Chrono Cross and I'm happy about) _X_ Edit My Profile (Because so when I get back for memories and all.....)_X_ and if there's anything else I'll edit here for reasons: -if I put "X" on the list then it's complete -update a list and I'll check around for a while, then once it's done, then next blog, I'm going to explain what I'm about to say. See ya around!!

Attention to Everyone....there's something you should know......

It's been long time, since I was here, it's as though I've been gone.......Anyway there's lots of things going around.....and I can't tell ya why....I won't be able to get on a lot. But you can also chat online and see what's going on about can see the AIM, but I have also MSN, it's same as my username. I'll try to get on the best I can. (Quote from Kingdom Hearts, Leon) "We won't meet again, but we never forget each other" (The review is tied up with mario kart and mario world, vote and it'll be done until........End of february).


Hi, everyone, anyway, I start mcdonalds on thursday starting with cooking. :) Like Hambugers and stuff. :P Anyway, I'm so sorry that I'm not so active here, because my mom caught me blogging, and I was suprised because when my mom put my first name and last on google (or searched online), it shows here ( and my mom said I shouldn't talk to people that I don't know and I should say whole lot about me (which I didn't and I'm very careful when I talk to people), anyway, good thing she didn't get mad at me, so mom, if you're watching this, then Thank You, your awesome! :) But then later, I'll be going to Camping Scout, and It's going to be a COLD one. And also, during this week, I look over Playsation games (not PS2) and some works and I play them, and it brings back memories. Old-School Rule!! :D I need your vote on Old-School on Super Nintendo Review: A. Donkey Kong Country B. Super Mario World C. Super Mario Kart D. Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past Anyway, that's I have for today. If you got questions or anything comment here. And have a nice weekend! Flash of the Blog: Sonic Cosmic Dimensions (it's roleplay game and some musics that I've heard before): Question of the Blog: Have you get caught by blogging, post, etc. on gamespot? Edit: Oh, I have people view over 4000 thank yout! :) And I'm level 22, Blaster Master. :D And I have over 100 friends, thank you people tracking me and being a great friends. :)

This is going to be a GREAT week! (maybe)

Anyway, This week I'm going to get my FIRST job at Mcdonalds, I'll keep that updated later in comment (This will be sort of like a chat place). Then on Valentine's day, remember I have this crush on this freshman girl? (in previous blog) but now, I don't anymore, because I don't feel interest in her now (but still a good person :) ). Now I have a NEW crush on this girl (it's like feeling in love, like I felt like I never love before), she's nice and funny, and we're common......To tell you this, I'm a Mormon (if you don't know what it is tell me on the comment) and this girl is a mormon. And so for Valentine's, I'm going to give her card and sonnet (poem) for her. :) And sorry for the Movie is not updated, I'm also going to updated another movie of Sonic and the Secret Rings Movie I made. My Birthday is coming up and it's on sunday (feb.11) and I'm so excited to be 17. :D Since I got a job at Mcdonalds I won't be active here, but I post new blog every friday so I can keep updated. Also, there's After-Prom t-shirt design contest, I'm going to make something cool, and I'll keep it updated in comment as well. That's all it for today. Flash of the Blog: That's My Sonic! Flash 2 (It's random people voices of characters from LONG vacation but it's cool and funny) Caution: May contain bad language: Question of the Blog: Have you ever got in crush before?

Am I on Fire?!

Anyway, How you guys are doing? I'm doing good, Feeling HAPPY. :D Guitar Hero Review is UP, check it out. Also, I'll be making a movie that I'll be update in next blog, include my 1st Semester Grade (I totally forgot about that). The Reason why I'm on fire, well when I went to Sonic Team Union and on the Welcom Intro. on the board, it has "hot", and what does it mean. Then later everytime there's new message it's orange instead of white. What's going on? ?_? Also, I resign as leader of the Union, because it's not active and I doubt myself I can't be a good leader. So now, I'm the officer again. I think that's all I can think, except I'm having Sonic Blast Valentine M&M..... Flash of the Blog: Kingdom Hearts May Cry 6 (It's random KH2 and all but later in series it gets funny) Warning: In the beginning, turn down the volume to low. Question of the Blog: Do you guys think I'm weird or something you describe of me? Be Honest.


Well, Winning Review is Guitar Hero. So on Next Blog (Maybe Tomorrow or Tuesday), I'll make that Review. Second, Last Wednesday, during lunch I went to Westlake Chinese Restraunt and I had Buffet w/ 2 School Counselers (that's how you spell??), The Principal, and Two-each-grade-students (2 Freshman, 2 Sophmore, 2 Junior (which includes me and my friend), and 2 seniors). Because I have "Kindness Count" Award for 2 Qtr. and I had a FUN time. Then yesterday, I saw Epic Movie with my friends and I thought it's Stupid-but-Funny, It's like I waste money for this?? But that's all I have for today. :D Flash of the Movie: Sonic: The Lost Emerald Question of the Blog: How many people think you're Kind?

Another Week of Stress and others...

Yeah, it's been long, so I haven't been active for a while because School, chores, etc. So how's everyone? Guess what? On saturday, I was at target and they have PS3 there, 5 60GB and 1 20GB and I was in TOTAL shocked. O_O I have a problem with my union (the heroes), there's still available for anyone who wants to be officer for my union, just post it here then I'll see what I can do. In other news, I want you also to vote and see what's the next review I'll do? A- Ratchet and Clank B- Ratchet: Deadlocked C- Guitar Hero D- Guitar Hero 2 This'll be done vote until Jan.27. Anyway, Have a great day!! :D Speacial Movie of the Blog: Sonic in PS3: A- B- C- Question of the Blog: Do you feel like I was gone?

No matter how bad it is, you'll always see the light to get back up.............

That's right. It's been dark few days that I'm so doubtful, but then when I realize that there's hope for me for better future. So now I'm working on the list what I must do......I've made Final Fantasy X review, so go check it out! For right now it's 0 degrees (burrr). Also, I'll be making a union called "The Heroes", it's about people who's your hero and have a better future to save it. Post it here if you want to be officer of it then if it's lot of people then I'll shuffle and choose it for a reason. Also, I'll be have journal so that not only here you need to get to know me, but also have like a book about myself if you want more info. and that's all I have. And if you excuse me, I'll be going to the unions. Flash of the blog: Sonic the Flash Movie (Just Comedy Sonic thing) Question of the Blog: What was you hardest thing you did? P.S. DoctorEggman: I was trying to comment on your blog (it's Sonic Voiceover movie thing) but it was busy, but hey you did a good job, some cracked me up....even the pie-eating contest....:P